CIO Viewpoint

Status of Risk and Fraud Management in Digital...

By Rahul Sharma, VP-IT, MattsenKumar LLC

Enterprise Software: What can we predict for 2016?

By Naveen Gulati, CIO, Ricoh India Ltd.

Disaster Recovery, a Priority for Business...

By Vijay Prakash, Head of IT Infra and Cloud, Kellton Tech Solutions

CXO Insights

Machine Learning Trends In 2021

By Kavitha Siddada, Head of Design Engineering, Shell

Supercomputers and Their Changing Landscape

By Dr Pradeep K Sinha, Sr. Director (Corporate Strategy and R&D), Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC)

The Future of Artificial Intelligence in India

By Anuj Kapuria, Founder & CEO, The Hi-Tech Robotic Systemz
