Arun Mehra, Director
Businesses have been managing entire purchase and sales through bookkeeping method. This time intensive method consumes a lot of resources and is prone to human error, which can result in financial losses and consumer Complaints. In this highly competitive and customer oriented market, losing a customer due to inefficient work system at place will make a business plunge down to several notches in terms of its overall value. However, several POS systems have registered their presence in the market replacing the bookkeeping method of purchase and sales; the current requirements of businesses appear more than mere digital entries.
A modern POS system must have capabilities to address the current needs of businesses, which run around providing seamless and uninterrupted service, GST compliance, speed of processing, etc. Perfectly understanding these needs in POS domain, Inspired Technologies with about two decades of experience has positioned itself to offer its hardware cum software product providing end-to-end solutions to its local and Pan India clients.
Cost Effective One Stop Solution
Being an IT company with several years of experience, Inspired Technologies provides one stop shop for POS solutions and IT needs of customers from different industry segments like large corporate houses, enterprise segments, retail, hospitality industry and OEMS. The company primarily focuses on POS, IT and Smart Signage Solutions. It follows an a la carte approach for clients and their business to find the right solution according to the scope of their requirement. Such Single Window Solution for every client to get a clear path of the solution in quick session is hard to
find in the market.
Talking about the positioning of the company, Arun Mehra, Director, says, “Inspired Technologies is one of the leading IT and POS solution provider with finest infrastructure to cater to the global and local IT requirements. We are providing end-to-end solutions in which we are offering POS hardware with required hospitality and retail application software, backed by world class IT infrastructure. Our POS Software is very easy to operate where even a layman can use it effectively. Being an IT company we offer best POS solutions with world class IT domain to customer which differentiates us from others.”
Ensuring Maximum ROI
Businesses are increasingly adopting agile method of working based on the modern benchmark to gain an edge over competitors. A slow and inefficient POS can downgrade the operations resulting in inefficiencies and errors. A downtime in POS system can lead to a situation of long queues of frustrated customers who might not want to avail the services from that outlet again, resulting in loss of reputation and customers for a business. Salvaging business from situations like these, Inspired Technologies has devised a POS system with the potential to enhance overall efficiency while streamlining the business processes and helping businesses gain maximum ROI.
Taking Care of End User's Ease
The company puts full emphasis on the easy design of its product. In its POS system for food courts and canteens, the company deploys integrated software with prepaid card features, where a single card can be used for multiple outlets. Implementing a seamless and integrated process, the POS passes information to the kitchen as soon as the order is punched and the customer is informed as soon as the order gets ready,via SMS or paging.
Further Expansion Plan
The company is all set to introduce self-service kiosk for medical clinic and hospitals for appointments and records retrieval. In future, Inspired Technologies plans to provide more innovative POS solutions. To grow its customer base across geography, the company wants to focus on tier-two and tier-three cities.