We can all relate to the apprehension of buying a new product and the only expectation we have from it is to be delivered as promised. This very same apprehension is evident among those who are looking for PLM solutions. Apart from delivering what was promised, there are various organizations offering PLM services but in most cases their growth chart tapers downwards due to lack of innovation. On a much brighter note, with the new norms like GST coming in, leading to taxation uniformity, there is likely to be an increasing requirement in the logistics area but we need the drive for innovation to be on point. Purple Global, a company led by two ambitious women, Sonal Abbi and Radha Abbi, comes to the fore with their innovative PLM solutions. Sonal Abbi confesses that even though they might be new in providing PLM offerings, they have an established customer base where they have already built their credibility and that has given them opportunities to go back and create greater value for them. Radha Abbi believes that they have a different approach towards their customers. They communicate with their customers and get them involved when building a product because it is the customers who know exactly what they want. Thereby, delivering increased productivity, efficiency and rapid ROI.
Purple Global has designed three flagship products which are Purple Tracker, Purple Dispatch and Purple Lease. These products have been set out in the market to combat challenges like, security, real time data gathering, asset tracking, reduction of overhead costs, etc. in the telematics industry. Purple Dispatch is a GIS based dispatch and management system, with a fully interactive and easy-to-use web-based interface using GPRS as its wireless communication backbone.
This system can be adjusted to any business environment with minimum customization effort. The core functionalities of Purple Dispatch are that it delivers a timely response, minimizes manual intervention, and increases the productivity and efficiency of call operators.
Also into partnership with EAGLE, a telematics technology platform, Purple Global provides solutions suitable for any type of Telematics project including fleet management and tracking, geofencing, asset tracking, driver behaviour monitoring, toll management and automotive internet gateways.
Purple Global, a company led by two ambitious women, Sonal Abbi and Radha Abbi, comes to the fore with their innovative PLM solutions
Purple Global has tied up with a company called Purple Global Services and Technologies Africa Ltd. in Nigeria. Federal Road Safety Nigeria has accredited them to provide speed limiters for all commercial vehicles in Nigeria. Sonal Abbi expresses, "It is a large project and we believe that by working with them and providing greater value to them, we will be able to create a name for our partners and therefore for ourselves in the African market". The company believes that the potential is vast and therefore would like to be able to play a significant role in the African continent. Radha Abbi confirms that they are starting off with West Africa and also have plans for South East Africa as well.