MSC Software: Redefining Simulation Process and Data Management

MSC Software: Redefining Simulation Process and Data Management

CIO Vendor Businesses typically implement PLM solutions to help automate the process of managing product-related data. They also seek the ability to seamlessly integrate this data with other business processes such as ERP and manufacturing execution systems thereby improving efficiency.
In general, PLM encompasses three key systems - CAD, CAE and CAM. CADworks at designing a product and documenting the whole design stage of the engineering process. CAE works more towards conducting engineering analysis including simulation, validation, and optimization of products and manufacturing tools under various conditions. Each simulation comes with an influx of data that is massive in volume. The challenge is that the technology used to handle the simulation data is very different from the technology that handles the design data.

Leveraging its decades of industry-rich experience, the team at MSC Software designed SimManager,a webbased Simulation Process and Data Management (SPDM)system

Since it is often expensive and time consuming to convert designs into prototypes, people are slowing moving away from CAD software to manage their design data. Instead, vendors are moving more towards products in the simulation segment.

"CAD-based PLM software vendors are getting into the simulation space, but there are several challenges. Architecturally, they are not equipped to handle large volumes of simulation data. Also, the whole concept of revisioning that is an important component of CAD is not really relevant in the simulation space," opines Sridhar Dharmarajan (DS), Managing Director, Indo-Pacific Region "“ MSC Software Corporation.

California headquartered MSC Software has maintained a leadership position in this domain for decades. Its novel and revolutionary solution SimManager assists product manufacturers to advance their engineering methods with its simulation software and services.

"By predicting the performance of a part before it is actually sent off for manufacturing, MSC Software helps manage performance quality. So, you do the whole computer aided simulation upfront in the digital environment before you physically produce the part," explains Sridhar.

Leveraging its decades of industry rich experience, the team at MSC Software designed SimManager, a web-based Simulation Process and Data Management(SPDM)system, which effectively manages all aspects of CAE simulation. It does so with a strong focus on meeting the complexities of data management and processing specific to the simulation community. It helps achieve top-notch product quality and better performance right from project initiation through final report generation; furnishing superior products in the market.

SimManager Proving to be an Irreplaceable Asset
SimManager has several interesting features that give it an edge. One, it promotes increased productivity for greater and faster insights, thereby driving better decisions. It helps minimize errors and thereby improves quality. Errors can be identified and corrected at the simulation stage. Additionally, it enables the standardization and establishment of best
practices, effective collaboration, integrated teamwork, shorter product development times and accelerated process.

"The CAD-based PLM system hands over the product data to SimManager, which manages the whole simulation process and passed on the data to the CADbased PLM for the processing and manufacturing. Our uniqueness comes from working within the simulation area only, and we do a pretty good job," reveals Sridhar.

"By predicting the performance of a part before it is actually sent off for manufacturing, MSC Software helps manage performance quality. So, you do the whole computer aided simulation upfront in the digital environment before you physically produce the part"

The Company Setting its Course
While MSC Software started its journey purely in the simulation space, it first entered the data management space only when Audi approached the company with its requirements. Audi needed a tool to handle its simulation process and data. In response, MSC Software built the SimManager software.

Prior to deploying SimManager, Audi was doing close to 30 simulations a day. Today, with the help of the SPDM platform, the company is doing more than 3000 simulations a day. BMW has also drastically reduced its warranty costs over a period of time, and this could be attributed to the umpteen number of real-life field scenarios that the company validates as a part of their virtual testing system based on SimManager.

Creating Better Employment Opportunities
Simulation requires certain skills that are not available in abundance in the market today. However, there is considerable demand from SMBs for engineers who have knowledge of simulation products, tools and processes. MSC Software is embarking on a huge education initiative, tying up with a gamut of universities and institutions to build the skill sets for simulation within graduating engineers. The company hopes to build a talent pool of engineers who have a grasp of the physics and tools, so that they can actually be simulation ready when they join the industry.

MSC Software considers India and China as high growth markets. Simulation in India is still at a nascent stage, but the market is growing steadily. MSC Software hopes to impact the sector through its advanced solutions and close engagement.

Leading the Company to the Success it is Today
With ateam of skilled and experienced Simulation engineers under its wing, MSC Software's speciality lies in Structural Analysis,Multi-Discipline based simulations, Nonlinear Analysis, Composites and Material Modeling, Multibody Dynamics Simulations,FEA Services, Control Systems, Thermal Modeling, and Meshing.

The team is led by Sridhar Dharmarajan(DS) who is the Managing Director of the Indo-Pacific Region since 2007. A veteran in the PLM segment, he was successful in establishing the company's first sales office in the region. Having worked with the company for the last decade, he has built and retained high performing teams and has been responsible for the company's market leadership with a huge growth curve.

Having completed his MS in Mechanical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Science (IISc)in Bangalore, he directed his energy towards jump starting his career with Wipro Infotech. In 1992, he was handpicked to be part of a core team to establish SDRC (now Siemens PLM) in India. During his eight-year tenure at SDRC, he was the recipient of numerous technical and sales excellence awards and played a vital role in the success of SDRC in the country.

Blazing a trail on the career front, he set up two companies - Bluefont Technologies and Pixtel Communications, with Pixtel being sold to Mintek of Taiwan. It is during this time that he acquired in-depth knowledge of setting up and running a software company end-to-end. He went on to successfully establish MatrixOne's operations in India.