E-Procurement is one of the largest domains where SaaS model has found its application and it is gaining traction. Organizations are improving productivity due to large gains in Procurement, Tendering and Auctioning processes without having to invest on IT infrastructure. E-Procurement has significantly reduced the procurement life-cycle through online negotiations. Cloud based E-Procurement is strategic yet an attractive quick-win solution for government sector and corporates.
Vupadhi Techno Services, a Hyderabad based company addresses the issues pertaining to compatibility of E-Procurement Application
The European Commission has pointed out that the variation in E-Procurement platforms and service models is a major obstacle to wider adoption of E-Procurement. It is necessary that E-Procurement solutions need to be compatible to the greatest possible extent with the existing technologies, to have a reasonable chance to be widely adopted in the marketplace.
Vupadhi Techno Services, a Hyderabad based company addresses the issues pertaining to compatibility of E-Procurement Application. The company has built a comprehensive platform-neutral E-Procurement Application which is compatible with all web browsers to view and download Tenders, Auctions and to electronically participate in bidding. The company's E-Procurement suite known as A2Z Procure is built on a SOA platform and developed using Java MVC Framework and can work with any relational database.
"A2Z Procure" is an end-to-end web based Electronic Procurement platform with integrated Centralized Supplier Management portal, Cost Estimation & Indent Management, E-Tendering, E-Auctions, E-Catalogues, Contract Management, E-Payments and Accounts Management," explains Kalyan Chakradhar Reddy, Managing Director of the company. Vupadhi's cloud based E-Procurement Application helps enterprises handle all types of Tenders and Auctions with minimal customization.
The E-Procurement suite developed by Vupadhi enables government sector and corporates to manage their Pre-Procurement, Procurement and Post Procurement activities in a highly secure environment with total transparency in monitoring and managing end-to-end Procurement lifecycle. The business rules and security aspects of the applications are developed in compliance with the guidelines issued by GFR, DeitY, CVC, STQC standards and the application is certified by STQC Labs, Govt. of India. The Contract Monitoring Tool is integrated with GIS and GPS for real-time monitoring of ongoing works and decision making by the Buying Organization.
One of the important modules of A2Z Procure is E-Tendering. It supports procurement of goods, services, engineering works, consultancy and any other custom defined procurement process. The solution helps buyers and suppliers reduce their procurement cycle time and paper work, without compromising on the transparency aspects of the entire process. The user-friendliness aspects of the system are far superior to anything in the Market including a Mobile Application, enabling suppliers to submit bids for Auctions from their smartphones thereby ensuring total mobility of the solution.
Mr. Reddy adds further saying, getting onboard with A2Z Procure is a simple registration process gaining access to the engineering works, goods and services of all the suppliers in the central repository and for suppliers to participate in Tenders or Auctions of all the buying organisations registered. All the data is stored in the repository so the suppliers can avoid preparing and submitting the documents repeatedly for every tender that the supplier participates in. Vupadhi plans to gain five percent of the market share of E-Procurement by 2018. "We strive to become the most comprehensive E-procurement solution provider in the next five years," signs off Mr. Reddy.