Presently, CIOs and CXOs have numerous tools at their disposal for travel requisition, booking, expense management, travel procurement, itinerary management, and invoice management. As a result, the travel and expense management amounts to 2-8 percent of the turnover. Based out of Bangalore, CURIO Technologies offers SaaS based end-to-end automation solution with fulfillments services focusing on T&E data consolidation at low cost for global corporate. The company focuses to provide simple, mobile and smart software solutions thus enabling CFOs to reduce their travel and expense spend by 25 percent.
As Travel Management Company process travel and expense spend manually, they often confront challenges such as disconnected travel and expense processes, lack of visibility into spend, and inability to enforce corporate travel policies. Resolving these bottlenecks, the organization has designed a consolidated solution namely CURIO through which Air tickets, Hotels and other travel services can be booked directly from the platform for over 70 countries. The solution enables companies to monitor and manage their budgets as well as travel compliance. Since CURIO comes with a centralized travel fulfilment service, corporate have a consolidated view into their process, policies,suppliers and data. The travel planning, booking, expense reporting and reimbursement is done completely through CURIO. The consolidation of various services into a single platform to analyse travel spend, better negotiation with suppliers, monitoring traveller behaviour further assures increased program compliance and sustainability."CURIO replaces Travel Requisition processes and tools, SBTs, TMCs, Back-End team effort required for travel management, expense management application & processes and reimbursement systems completely", asserts R.Ram Raj Karthick, Founder and CEO, Curio Technologies.
Curio's End-To-End SaaS based solution can:
"¢ Reduce T&E budget up to 20 percent by controlling and consistently apply ing policies throughout the T&E process
"¢ Boosts traveller compliance with preferred suppliers via pretrip approval
"¢ Provides management information for supplier negotiation
"¢ Reduces employee book travel from couple of hours in minutes and management time
CURIO integrates with any core financial application on any existing system to provide real-time access to data
While incorporating an Application Programming Interface(API), CURIO integrates with any core financial application on any existing system to provide real-time access to data, supporting documentation, GL detail,routing detail, and process owner actions. The company's best practice process enables the effective handling of expenditure in a way that is consistent with policy and requirements.
CURIO exploits technologies such as Big Data, Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing to build an intelligent travel booking app that can facilitate booking of Business Trips 200x faster.CURIO endeavors to bring together the best in Artificial Intelligence along with human touch,to deliver only personalized results that automatically take company policies and other important factors into account.
The company intends to continue investing into product innovation while improving scalability, security and reliability. Having a plan to expand its travel partner network to bring more travel suppliers on board, Curio Technologies is going full throttle to be one of the leading players in the travel management space.