Securens Systems: Distinctive IoT Powered e-Surveillance Systems

CIO Vendor Security systems have evolved from passive monitoring to intelligent and adaptive recognition, situational awareness and analysis systems. Based out of Mumbai, Securens Systems Private Limited renders SaaS based electronic surveillance products and services that comprise business intelligence and analytics. Incorporated in 2011, the company offers alert monitoring, scheduled motion based monitoring, QRT services, live site & route monitoring, video housekeeping, health check-up of surveillance systems, automated access authorization, brand hygiene checks for banks, ATMs, cash vehicles, retail outlets, QSRs, and warehouses.

Taking care of Prevention and Deterrence
To cater the perennial problems of operation & security management such as maintenance of the installed CCTVs and recordings, Securens' ACTICARE performs a health check up of all the CCTVs and DVRs in all the outlets and presents the result in a neat dashboard format. Through ACTICARE, Securens assures maintenance of the equipment across various locations thereby mitigating management issue. The company provides twice a day e-check on each retail outlet to monitor if the stated SoP parameters are being flaunted. As mentioned by Sunil R. Udupa, Chairman & MD, the enhanced version would check each outlet twice a day through live video view for the entire working hours from business opening time to closing time. To warehouse and retail outlets ACTIDETER enhances capabilities by adding'Active Deterrence' that prevents crime using Video Verification and 2-way audio communication. This saves money spent on inefficient and unreliable guards while allowing the organization to save a substantial capital.

Besides the analytics on SoP parameters that is critical to business quality and brand, Securens assist business managers in mapping
the people's flow with sales while generating alert on exceeding Q-Length, unattended PoS system, and heat maps. Emphasizing on the organizational requirements, the company customizes analytics that are unique to the business.

Securens is objectively working to develop a unique Hybrid Intrusion Alarm Panel using the best of sensor technology

In order to deliver unprecedented deterrence capabilities along with business analytics, Securens is objectively working to develop a unique Hybrid Intrusion Alarm Panel using the best of sensor technology coupled with Edge Video Analytics. This machine learning video analytics product is based on Fog computing and radio wave technology.

The team's credibility, reliability and efficiency are demonstrated by continuous repeat orders over the last 5 years. Managing deliverables on behalf of the customer, the team also works as operational managers.

Growing at 125 percent CAGR, Securens has emerged as a key player in Monitored Surveillance with more than 50 percent market share with many eminent BFSI and Retail brands for a long term now. The organization has been bestowed with Best "˜Control Room' and HR awards for best use of technology in recruitment, followed by an award for Innovation in Recruitment and excellence in marketing communication. Having monitored 22,000+ sites and 3,000+ incidents deterred, Securens envisages becoming India's most valued e-Surveillance company by upping their market share, consumer value, shareholder value, and employee satisfaction with consistent profitable growth.