Maxbyte Team
The manufacturing industry is on the lookout to equip and better manage themselves with the changing information landscape being shaped by IIoT. It is imperative to visualise and understand insights and information across the product lifecycle (engineering, operations and service) as manufacturers are pressurised with high demands to produce more top quality products within shorter time frames. While accessing data across all functions is of importance, a key challenge is to attain accurate and instant data within the function where the primary challenge lies in interfacing with different machines, equipments and processes. Once enabled, one must manage the complete IIoT system from sensors, network to application and the CAPEX involved. Catering to the entire spectrum of industry 4.0 needs is end-to-end product byteFACTORY by Maxbyte Technologies, headquartered in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. Byte FACTORY; the SaaS based product not only integrates product lifecycle components (engineering, operations and service), but also has modules to guide its users from right hardware/sensor selection to managing the same.
Ramshankar C S, CEO, Maxbyte Technologies, goes on to explain how the company stands apart from its competitors within the market,“The key differentiator for Maxbyte with byteFACTORY is customer selfservice ability. It is the only product to provide end-to-end digital factory suite. Currently, byteFACTORY works on PTC Thingworx platform and with complete Digital Factory as a Service offering,the organisations have greater benefits in terms of cost optimization and faster enterprise digitization.”
byteFACTORY comprises three modules, namely byte ENGINEERING, byteOPERATIONS and byteSERVICE. Each module provides various need of the hour Industry 4.0 micro services apps to the catering to product development lifecycle in the manufacturing industry. The solution has been designed and developed to understand the productivity and behaviour of legacy systems or PLC/controller-based machines where the data needs to be connected by retrofitting sensors, non-intrusive retrofit sensors and edge devices. Its unique architecture can support various deployment configurations whether it is on cloud, hybrid or on-premise. Having successfully gained a massive customer-base, the team is currently working on Artificial Intelligence and BOT on top of byteFACTORY where the user can interact with it to avail focused insights of integrated enterprise information.
"The key differentiator for Maxbyte with byteFACTORY is customer self-serviceability. It is the only product to provide end-to-end digital factory suite"
Making waves in the IIoT domain, Maxbyte Technologies in unison with Department of Production Engineering, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore conducted an Inaugural Industrial Digitization Congress in December 2018. The event focused on Industrial IOT where Maxbyte’s customers and technology partners spoke on their IIOT use cases and products. An integral part of the event was the launch of India’s first Digital Factory Experience (DFX) Centre where the production lab was converted into a smart factory where the industrialists, academic institute and technology partners can experience, learn and kick-start the IIoT with byteFACTORY solutions.
The company anticipates a bright future for this domain and have geared themselves as they work on various products at different layers of Industrial IOT stake right from edge/sensor to business applications and analytics. Viswanathan T, CTO, Maxbyte Technologies, reveals, “Some of the key products that we currently have at the edge level are vibration edge analytics for machine conditions monitoring, coolant monitoring devices and energy monitoring devices with a continuous upgradation roadmap planned for each device.”