Future belongs to those who embrace technology as the way to accelerated growth. Automation can help all businesses to streamline their processes, continuous monitoring of the work flow,and also the data mining for better productivity. Dhwani Mehta, Director Opportune Technologies says, "As an HR Automation Company we knew technology must also embrace humanity. It must help in creating a better work culture. That led us to design the next generation of automated Time and Attendance solution: Cuckoo Tech. The first solution in the world with gamif ication code for a better work culture! It is a paradigm shift!"
The paradigm shift Mehta describes is a vital one. Till now, HR managers run behind people over unmarked attendance, and leave application issues. Time and attendance capturing is a compliance issue, linked to salaries,any little discrepancy creates major dissatisfaction and have adverse effect on employee morale and the productivity of the organization. Opportune saw it as a work culture issue. People don't like to be monitored and cajoled continuously.
Coercive nature of their engagement with the attendance systems was the root cause for them to avoid the same.
Opportune addressed this concern with Cuckoo Tech. When employees use the attendance platform, it rewards the users with points, and at the same time motivates to put their attendance, leave application etc. on a regular basis. What was compliance earlier turns to an enjoying activity for the employees because of gamification introduced by Cuckoo Tech.
Following are some scenarios where the gamified time and attendance system is making a difference:
Scenario: Under tremendous pressure due to higher targets and quick turnaround time expectations, employees feel the time consumed on time and attendance platform doesn't add to their productivity and results. So they shun using it.
Solution Approach: Cuckoo Tech gives points on every action done on the attendance system, creating a gaming environment; real time leader-board is seen. It generates healthy comparisons, and eventually leads to rewards and recognitions. This motivates the employees to adhere to company Attendance and Leave policies.
Scenario: More and more companies are shifting to huge contractor staffing. It needs a robust attendance solution to track the deployment of resources to the billing of contractors.
Solution Approach: Mehta says, "This is one of the most complex scenario and a successful business case which we have implemented across various verticals and domains ranging from PSU, manufacturing, IT, BPO, Hospitality, Retail and Service industry. Our offering is a combination of Real-time biometric attendance over the cloud(IoT), shift management, contractor management linked to compliance, access blacklisting in case of defaulting of rules. To the integration with ERP software. It's not just accumulation of features; every thing is designed to create the solution for contractor related attendance issues. This has solved so many of the work-culture issues emanating from contractor and company disputes.
The Gamified Time & Attendance platform
Scenario:In 21st century business scenario multiple locations and shift planning requirements have made man hour planning a real challenge.
Solution Approach:Today, data at real time becomes a minimum mandate. Mehta informs, "The new expectation is predictive analysis,and customer expects information pre-hand. The system has to be tightly integrated to give real time information for any numbers of geo-location and time zones. Cuckoo Tech does it well with Biometric over the cloud for ultra real time info".
This solution focused, futuristic approach puts Opportune among the best technology companies. The progressive companies are looking for solutions to their current and future challenges. And Opportune's Cuckoo Tech has ticked all the right boxes. Pankaj Shah, Technology Director, Opportune says, "We work from the first principle, this makes our solution f it for all industries. From start-up to Hospitality industry or from ITeS to manufacturing.One of our best success stories is with a PSU company with really complex shift and working hour rules. In tegrating more than 350+ biometric machines for real time data. We studied their requirement and in two months went LIVE. Now Aadhaar being mandatory, we are looking to make some real use of Aadhaar at various stage for employee data management ".
Opportune keeps surveying the emerging HR needs with their Master mind meetings PA N-India,and based on discussions with various Industry stalwarts, builds future ready solutions. With such leaps in short frequencies, Opportune shows promises to bring about more break throughs in the near future.