The completion of Human Genome Project (HGP) in 2003 is hailed as one of the greatest feats in history. It opened new avenues and frontiers allowing greater insights to various genomic applications, gene expression analysis, metabolic pathways and novel drug discoveries. Inferring conclusions for any of these applications is an intricate process which involves complex technological tools and expertise. Additionally, lots of biological data being generated from their workflow protocols have raised the need of high throughput performance tools to seamlessly integrate and manage biological information. To accelerate research in its most simplified automated form PREMIER Biosoft headquartered in California, USA, offers robust, high throughput and custom informatics software solutions. Offering fourteen software products for application areas including genomics, mass spectrometry imaging, glycomics, lipidomics, metabolomics and proteomics, the company studies the most recent innovations in life sciences and translates them into software products to aid research. "Bioinformatics has essentially transformed lab-based science into a full scale information science giving us rare insights into how the human body functions", says Arun Apte, CEO, PREMIER Biosoft.
Since its inception in 1994, the company has been following the Agile method for software development. While working extensively on the research market, Arun Apte found that there was a dearth of user friendly and affordable software for conducting life sciences research. Sensing the hidden opportunity the first product, Primer Premier, was launched for the genomics market which eventually led to the foundation of PREMIER Biosoft. As PREMIER Biosoft's understanding of the genomics market matured, several other products were authored to meet the needs of the market. The company later chose to service the mass spectrometry software market, then a fledgling industry. The company's intuitive and affordable software products have been well received by scientists in research labs, universities and biopharmaceuticals. "We have collaborations with multi-billion dollar biotechs such as Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waters, Bruker Daltoniks, AB SCIEX, Sigma Aldrich and Agilent for supporting their proprietary workflows", further adds Arun.
Many small research organizations grapple to achieve their research objectives owing to limited computational infrastructure and informatics expertise. However, PREMIER Biosoft's software tools are not resource intensive.
Purchase of sophisticated hardware is not required for installing and running the products. Along with increasing productivity of researches, the company offers SaaS products for smaller labs with limited resources for automating their workflows at virtually zero capex. "With our SaaS offerings, these labs can pay for the product as they use it. There is no need to buy the product or pay a subscription upfront", emphasizes Arun.
PREMIER Biosoft offers robust, high throughput and custom informatics software solutions
With the help of its innovative R&D team, the company successfully carries out detailed studies on recent innovations and markets to understand the viability of launching a new product. While analyzing the financial viability, the company collaborates with various technology partners and proposes ideas to an eminent panel of experts.
When real time PCR was trending the market, the company went ahead and authored Beacon Designer™, that supports the most popular real time PCR chemistries. The company introduced a pathogen detection assay design software called AlleleID® with support advanced real time PCR applications. AlleleID designs cross species, species specific & intron-exon spanning assays and splice variant microarrays. PrimerPlex was launched to address the multiplexing market. The product supports 30-plex PCR assays and 100-plex assays for suspension array systems.
The company has recently ventured into the Mass Spectrometry based research market and offers a comprehensive portfolio of tools including SimGlycan® (a glycomics data analysis tool), SimLipid® (a lipid identification tool) and SimMet®(a tool for metabolomics). SimGlycan is today touted as the gold standard in glycomics research with its ability to analyze complex research data and its elaborate glycan database.
The company has grown both organically and through acquisitions to complete its market offering. In 2011, PREMIER Biosoft announced the complete acquisition of Redasoft Corporation-a marketer of Visual Cloning. The acquisition was aimed at consolidating the highly fragmented plasmid drawing market. Again in 2013, the company acquired ProteoIQ from NuSep (ASX: NSP), a public listed life sciences company based in Australia which helped the company extend its mass spectrometry product portfolio and venture into the high growth and more established market of proteomics software. With such M&A's, undeterred focus and dedication, PREMIER Biosoft promises to deliver cutting edge intuitive software tools for life science research.