KBG Services: Providing customized web based Payroll solutions

KBG Services: Providing customized web based Payroll solutions

CIO Vendor Manual administration of in-house payroll functions in a large organization usually causes innumerable cumbersome issues resulting in decline of productivity and profits. Secondly, litigious compliance also deepens the complication and pain points, when an enterprise is being operated across multiple locations.

Delhi headquartered KBG Services help HR staffs of various enterprises to outsource payroll solutions, through which HR team could focus more on employee engagement rather than complex Payroll administration. "Our own in-house developed software helps to provide fully integrated payroll outsourcing solutions using the full resources of our expertise developed through constant research and evolution," asserts Kalyan Bose, Director and founder of KBG Services. He is a Chartered Accountant by profession with three decades of experience in International Taxation, IT implementation, System Design, compensation structuring and indirect tax compliance. Under Kalyan's leadership, KBG team has developed a totally automated and web based CRM, which is a multi location payroll solution tool. With offices in Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Cochin, Hyderabad, Chennai and Kolkata; the company's multi-location pay-roll solutions optimize the recourses of clients by avoiding expansion of HR allocation at different places.

Team of Experts
Key team members of KBG have decades of experience in various sectors such as Finance, Accountancy & Taxation , HR, Legal & Regulatory Affairs, Consultancy, System Design, secretarial compliance, tax litigation, Economics, English, IT and Social Security Services.

An Array of Payroll Solutions
Started as a Chartered Accountant firm in 1983, over the years;KBG Services has procured in-depth experience in delivering Labor Law Compliance solutions, Accountancy, IFRS implementation and consultancy services in addition to automated Payroll Solutions.

Maneuvering KBG's customized web based Payroll solution; employees are able to optimize the tax savings by selecting the flexi package through CRM based platform. The system displays personal details like pay slips, tax sheets and reimbursement slips enabling employees to track online investment declaration and other investment proof verifications. While, time is also saved with rapid generation of status queries and reports on regular basis. Additionally, it relieves the burden of handling physical slips, tax sheets, bulk filing of income tax returns and statutory compliances.
To ensure security and continuity of its services to the clients KBG team has established a backup solution to retrieve company's data through Business Continuity Planning (BCP) and Disaster Readiness (DR) for ensuring progression of services and preservation of brand at any point of time during the year.
CRM based Reimbursement, PF and ESI Solutions
KBG bestows end to end solutions in regards to employee compensation, social security and retrial benefits. Employees also have the option to elect the components of the flexi pay through KBG's web interface platform that helps them to claim vouchers and seek results of the approval and rejection status on regular intervals.

While the Provident Fund web management platform provides solution for both RPFC managed PF Fund and the self-managed PF Trust under the regulatory compliance of Employees Provident Fund Act of India. It presents an overall solution constituting EPF code number, EPF registration, Challans, filing of periodical returns, maintenance of statutory registers, inspection of notebook, pass book and assistance of various provisions of disclosures and notices.

KBG Services help HR staffs of various enterprises to outsource payroll solutions, through which HR team could focus more on employee engagement rather than complex Payroll administration

In regards to Employees State Insurance, KBG's solution help users to obtain ESI registration, code establishment, employee state insurance number, registration of ESI Act, filing of periodicals returns, maintenance of inspection book and day to day consultancy on matters pertaining to ESI Act.

Providing Superannuation and Gratuity Fund Solutions
KBG assists clients in forming tax efficient superannuation and gratuity trusts. "Tax Compliances are core area of expertise of KBG. The automated processes ensure regular deduction of taxes as per statute. The quarterly TDS returns are processed and deposited with authorities in time. This ensures no penalty in payment of taxes," adds Kalyan Bose.

Through CRM based web solutions, KBG offers services for managing funds where investments are controlled by insurance companies. Additionally, KBG does ensure to maintain total investment records and liaise with the central bank, commercial banks and Public Sector Units for investment in case of internally managed trusts.

An ISO 27001:2013 certified company has also obtained report for SSAE 16 from big consulting firms. Kalyan believes that Payroll processing related to HR solution and regulatory compliance has a vast potential. "Only a small fraction of the market has been tapped and the large paying field is still to be nurtured. KBG would become a large player in this domain," concludes Kalyan.


Best of Breed Business Solutions
With its strong intellectual property, KBG team provides in-house built flexible Payroll solutions for easing HR's work. It also provides best of breed business solutions within fixed time frame that is developed by in-house software team who takes care of IT infrastructure. Besides providing Payroll solutions, KBG also caters enterprises in handling labor law compliance, Finance, Accounts, advisory and regulatory services.