In today's fast paced economy, businesses have a growing intolerance for communication breakdowns. For example, a disruption in the email services would lead to lost time, unproductive work hours, directions overlooked, deadlines not being met, etc. further leading to confusion and disruptions in the flow of work.
Attached with the need for dependable communication and collaboration are the concerns related to security, business continuity and data durability. The task of recovering data can be daunting. Loss of data could take one back by days or even months. A good collaboration software is able to deliver a guarantee on these, the bridge between internal silos, outside contractors and vendors so to speak. An important element of collaboration is that the value of the network grows in proportion to the number of people on it. But, keeping the cost factor in mind, enterprises tend to refrain themselves from adopting such tools more widely.
Moreover, most of the time proprietary products are used by various management teams to meet their requirements. But that could mean higher costs. Mithi Software Technologies Pvt. Ltd., hailing from Pune, Maharashtra, equips organizations with solutions that offer much lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). The ability to connect to other legacy mailing systems and business applications makes it much easier to adopt these solutions. The system can be configured to co-exist with other mailing systems, as an "˜on premise - cloud hybrid' solution or integrate with other application to drive the core business work flow. Based on Open Standards, the system can also connect easily to a wide range of add-ons, devices and apps. Mithi Software Technologies also ensures that the customers benefit from the cost flexibility built into their offerings, making them affordable and accessible.
Ensuring High Performance with Cloud based Email Collaboration Solutions
Mithi Software Technologies, an enterprise software company, has also stepped into offering cloud based solution to enterprises of all sizes. Focusing on the complete lifecycle experience of the customer, the company has shifted their environment to AWS Cloud to deliver high performance and a better overall customer experience. One of the company's cloud based Email Collaboration Solution is Mithi SkyConnect, served via the AWS Cloud, ensuring that there is 99.99 percent uptime availability for uninterrupted collaboration.The solution provides high reliability, security, scalability and performance to large organizations and SMBs alike.
The solution is crafted with enough flexibility to customize performance, security and costs to match the unique requirements of each enterprise client. For safer and cleaner mailboxes, there are several layers of security that are built-in into the software architecture along with Trend Micro Email Security at the periphery.
Another of the company's prized products is the Vaultastic app that offers automated email archiving with e-discovery, management, restoration of mails or full mailboxes, etc. to meet business continuity and regulatory compliance needs. Vaultastic's highly secure email archiving solution, can be used by customers to gain the benefits of the cloud while still preserving investments in their own captive data centers. The Vaultastic app runs on an intuitive webmail interface which allows users to search through all mails sent and received by them. In Vaultastic, email is archived during transmission and storage can be accessed from a read-only self service portal eliminating the chance of malicious or accidental deletion of mail. The storage is tamper proof with a guaranteed 99.99999999999 percent durability. Additionally, there is quick recovery from disaster and even continuity of work while the core service is being restored.
Vaultastic's highly secure email archiving solution, can be used by customers to gain the benefits of the cloud while still preserving investments in their own captive data centers
Blueprint to Delivering Better-Newer Collaborative Environments
Striving to emerge as the leading producers of enterprise collaboration software, Mithi Software Technologies ventures to build derivative and lateral products that will enable businesses to create more dependable, secure and productive collaborative environments while assuring that the products are cost effective and economical. Mithi Software Technologies plans to continue its work on enhancing the convenience, flexibility and performance of their basic platform to deliver a better experience, while also investing in new generation collaboration apps that will make the basic task of collaboration effortless and reasonable for the customers. Happy with recent progress, the company plans on releasing an issue based collaboration platform sometime around the second quarter of 2017.
Mithi Software Technologies was recognized as the most promising Technology Partner in the APN. The company was awarded the "Regional Rising Star"“ Technology Partner (West India)"at the APN Excellence Awards 2016.