SENSENUTS Iot PLATFORM: Wireless Connectivity, Iot Prototyping Stack & Smart Lighting Solution

CIO Vendor Organizations are making huge investments in the Internet of Things to compensate for the steady decline in more traditional business segments. Companies have already started mulling shifting or adopting Internet of Things in some of their processes and explore how to monetize through data centeric approach. But with so much of noise about IoT one has to be very careful when choosing the right platform. Choosing the wrong one could lead into a fatal trap and one will only realize this towards the end of the implementation or at the beginning of the next part when trying to make it interoperable and add new devices or sensors. Inexperienced with IoT applications and new to understand the intricacies of complex IoT systems & scenarios, it is difficult to choose the appropriate knowledgeable vendor who does not keep the future requirement in mind. Usually system integrating companies tend to use off the shelf available cheapest hardware with ready to use with integrated Embedded OS & network stack and are then restricted to its limited functionality. EIGEN Technologies, based in New Delhi, with their vast research experience in VLSI & Wireless technologies, understands the complexity of IoT deployments and expected issues of interoperability of future IoT integrations. Considering all this they have tried to come up with their own event driven embedded OS that is highly optimized and responsive for common IoT use cases. Not just OS but Eigen also developed their own ultra energy efficient SENSEnuts wireless mesh protocol based on IEEE 802.15.4 standard, which is very robust and performs reliably in most of the environments. In a nutshell, EIGEN developed SENSEnuts IoT Platform, ground up from the scratch with their cutting edge knowledge in the latest wireless standards & sensor technologies to offer full IoT hardware/software stack. The USP of this SENSEnuts IoT rapid prototyping solution is that it is very modular, offers all the application layer protocols like RS232, RS485, MODBUS, M-BUS, BACNET etc, then popular networking stacks like SENSEnuts MESH, Zigbee, 6LOWPAN, LoRa, WiFi & BLE and finally cloud connectivity stack with MQTT, HTTP, HTTPS & REST APIs which enables other companies and application developers without any prerequisite knowledge or expertise in embedded electronics, software or even cloud, to introduce their own IoT based Smart applications across industries & verticals within just few weeks.

EIGEN, one of the leading technology solution providers, is a company that strives to stay ahead of its competition by continuous research, product innovation and reliable services in Embedded Wireless, Middleware and Cloud integration domain. The company specializes in M2M/Internet of Thing, VLSI, Wireless Technologies, Embedded Systems and are now marching ahead with vertical solution like Smart Lighting Platform & Smart Greenhouse application. The company is also a preferred EDA & Simulation tool partner across India with world leading EDA softwares.

Connecting Streetlights to Save Energy and carbon footprints!!
Apart from the IoT rapid Prototyping stack and platform provided by Eigen Technologies, a SENSEnuts Enlighten smart lighting platform is another world class vertical solution that the company has started offering.
This has IoT based wireless controllers and CCMS software that can be utilized to control and manage streetlights or campus lights. SENSEnuts Enlighten controllers use futuristic wireless mesh algorithm to connect in local site network which then communicate to the cloud using Wi-Fi/GSM internet gateways. The data on the cloud platform helps the user or concerned authority to monitor, control & manage these assets in real time which also cut down energy bills by efficient smart grouping schemes or sensing traffic pattern. Delving deeper into the solution, it has many advanced features to offer like energy efficient individual StreetLight Controllers which enable remote On/Off switching, dimming control, User configurable time scheduling & grouping schemes, Current/power consumption tracking of luminaire, Alerts for outage & malfunction, connectivity to Local or Cloud Server for data access and management and finally interfaces for Sensors like Motion detection, Pollution, light etc.

This hardware is integrated with both local server and cloud based CCMS software to give users access to these assets for On/Off/brightness control, time scheduling, grouping schemes etc. all from dashboard, and data analysis like power consumption, cumulative uptime to predict timely replacement, proactive maintenance by periodic status updates and alerts. It provides hierarchical access level control to different set of users or managers, Google map view representing individual luminaire on the location, interfaces to third party Command center tools through TCP/ UDP sockets, https and also Open API stack for interoperability with other manufacturers of light controllers.

A modular, cutting edge and still Cost Effective Solution
SENSEnuts Smart Light CCMS provides an edge over similar conventional solutions with one point management of each individual lights on street or offices,wireless connectivity options like IEEE 802.15.4 based SENSEnuts Mesh, Zigbee, 6LowPAN, WiFi or even upcoming LoRa, one click modes for configured Presets, easily retrofitted with any make dimmable LED without extra wiring, supporting both 0 - 10 & PWM dimming, cost saving by reduction in Energy Bills with efficient use of individual LEDs, proactive maintenance by alerts for malfunctioning, longer LED lifetime and timely replacement alerts, light management either by Server dashboard or Android App, and LED manufacturers agnostic to work with
most brands.

SENSEnuts uniquely offers full technology stack with application layer, wireless network & cloud connectivity protocols for rapid IoT prototyping and also end to end vertical applications

With user convenience first as a motto and optimize the cost & efforts, the company employs all the latest technology & means available right from emails, telephonic, online meetings, youtube tutorials, forums to personal meetings assuring impeccable quality of services. Continually aspiring to be recognized among top 10 Leading IoT Platform, and carve a niche the company has to continuously keep abreast with future technologies, enhancing team's technical skills, infusing fresh ideas as well as evaluating new approaches to innovate regularly. EIGEN Technologies is poised to take on the market with its value added IoT platform & vertical solutions.