Pi Datacenters: Data Centers - As We See In The New Light!

Pi Datacenters: Data Centers - As We See In The New Light!

Kalyan Muppaneni, Founder & CEO

Data Centers are no longer isolated facilities behind corporate walls. With technology and data taking the center stage, they have evolved into being the epicenter of enterprises by ensuring them availability and agility. Today, they enable the end to end cycle of development to deployments of applications by continuously pumping in efficiency to keep the base infrastructure alive.

The cloud and datacenter markets have been displaying enthralling growth figures. Corroborating this fact are research studies which forecast the Global Cloud Data Center market to grow at a CAGR of 28.7 percent and reach USD 67.5 billion by 2023.

With the growing data center market,also moving northward is the technology advancement quotient. Emerging technologies are demanding and thereby driving the data centers' development and readiness for tomorrow.

Technology readiness for tomorrow is the easiest said and most difficult when implemented. It comes coupled with its own complex challenges of man and machine resources, costs, customer acceptance, security and the technology changing at a pace faster than light.

The efficiency of a data center is defined by its characteristics of always being up & running with minimal cost & resource consumption and addressing all the above said challenges!

Pi is envisioned and set to address these exact challenges and bring in a paradigm shift, in the dynamics of data center and cloud industry in India and the world.

Pi DATACENTERS, Asia's largest Uptime Institute TIER IV Certified, state-of-the-art, greenfield datacenter organization, is based at Amaravati, the new capital of Andhra Pradesh.

Pi is a story envisioned by technocrats and takes the humble credit of introducing Mega Data Centers to the Indian industry, with intelligent and self-healing infrastructure. Pi is focused on delivering futuristic data center and cloud solutions riding on disruptive approach to technology, infrastructure and security, of global standards, through its strategic Software Defined Data Centers(SDDC) for customers.

With ground up architecture and varied industry frameworks, Pi's portfolio caters to all major industry verticals across domestic and global markets. Harbour1, Pi's flagship enterprise class cloud platform, forms the backbone of an extensive stack of "As a Service" and "On Demand Solutions" around DR, Storage and Backup. Their portfolio also stages off-the-shelf data center services like Co-location, White space and Managed Hosting, coupled with a strong layer of managed services.

Additionally, Pi also delivers a sliding range of benefits along the value chain, from cost to value arbitrage, from efficiency gains to lasting business impact, from the tactical to the strategic level.

Being100percent software defined infrastructure across the layers of
compute, storage and network, Pi delivers unparallel scalability and agility to its customers. To allow customers a complete control of their infrastructure, Pi also provides a first of its kind user friendly interface enabling an end to end self-service able portfolio.

"Within a short period of entering the Indian Data Center market, we have been able to position ourselves as innovators in this space and created a matured ecosystem for the industry to ride on,"affirms Kalyan Muppaneni, Founder & CEO. "The essence of our offerings has been to provide our customers with scalability and flexibility, coupled with access to an amalgamated environment of the latest and most advanced technologies," he adds.

"Within a short period of entering the Indian Data Center market, we have been able to position ourselves as innovators in this space and created a matured ecosystem for the industry to ride on"

Agile,Scalable and SecureInfrastructure!
Enterprises today demand smart and intelligent data centers with inbuilt scalability and flexibility to support their growth cycles. High availability of infrastructure elements, ensuring resilience is an unsaid ask coupled with above.

Catering to these industry demands, Pi's Uptime Institute TIER IV Certified Data Center has been developed with a modular build that promises 99.996 percent uptime. With redundancy across all levels of the infrastructure and support equipment, the model ensures that the systems are up and running at all times. The abundance of space(up to 5000 racks) and resources with Pi, ensures its customers to scale at will, in line with their business needs.

Pi cognizes the criticality and significance of data IP hosted by enterprises, with them. Acting on the same, Pi's facility is built with 8 levels of stringent security and multiple layers of cyber security controls and technologies.

The strategic choice of Vijayawada as the company's location has also created high levels of optimization in terms of infrastructure and power, thereby meeting organizations' need for resourceful and eco-friendly operational models. This further translates to an optimal TCO at which services are offered to its customer.

In today's digital-driven industry, cloud services have assumed significance owing to organizations' need for quicker time to market, flexibility in access, scalability in capacity, and cost efficiency. With these advantages are also lurking worries of data privacy, security, governance, and technical vendor lockins.

Addressing these, Pi has developed its enterprise class Cloud platform-Harbour1, on OpenStack technologies and end to end software defined infrastructure across storage, network and compute. As a robust, flexible, hardware and application-agnostic platform, Harbour1 is equipped with the ability to scale with extreme ease at all infrastructure layers without any downtime.

The software defined network also adds to the security framework by enabling isolation on demand.

The Road Ahead
Pi DATACENTERS has carved a niche for itself in the domain of datacenter and cloud, with innovation and customer experience as the driving factors. Success stories of global and Indian customers across complex verticals viz BFSI, Government, Healthcare etc., are a testament to its capabilities and innovation brought in. Pi is expanding its data center foot print across the country, in the days to come.