Due to the ever-increasing energy prices, tighter emission norms and also the global environmental concerns, there has been a major impetus among all Indian Oil majors to reduce their energy cost and CO2 emission footprint. Hence, greater focus to not only reduce energy consumption but also the sustainment through the use of digital tools has become a crucial need of the hour. As intelligent automation has become essential in managing the complexity of distributed energy resources, current market dynamics are considerably forcing energy and utility companies to adapt business operations and models which can aid them in staying relevant with this disruptive environment.
Having just the right solution which befits this current situation, KBC with decades of knowledge and experience has been assisting the customers to incorporate the culture of energy management in their work processes, by enhancing collaboration among client's stakeholders and KBC consultants, hence improving the sustainment of the applications through digitalization. The company approaches their clients with a robust methodology comprising of 4 steps process - The phases are Benchmarking through proprietary Best Technology analyses, Gap Identification and Gap closure Roadmap development and Knowledge Transfer through digitalization training for sustainment of the Program.
KBC is one of the most trusted names globally in the segment of Energy Optimization. We have proven references with more than 300 energy programs in Upstream Gas Oil Separations, Refineries, Petrochemical Plants and Chemical units
"KBC is one of the most trusted names globally in the segment of Energy Optimization. We have proven references with more than 300 energy programs in Upstream Gas Oil Separations, Refineries, Petrochemical Plants and Chemical units. Additionally, KBC has more than 100 Energy & Utility real time optimizers implemented mainly in refineries and petrochemicals worldwide; some of them in Closed Loop," says Dr. Jagadesh Donepudi, Director, KBC Advanced Technologies India.
Enabling Customers to Take Full Ownership of the Model
Visual MESA Energy Management for energy and emissions, optimization, monitoring and planning enables operators to incorporate best practices in their workflow, so as to produce and distribute the energy needed by the process at a minimum cost. The optimizer recommendations are in line with the operational, environmental and contractual constraints, thereby assuring the operators with best-in-standard practice. Moreover, the same model used for the online, real-time optimization, can also be used in stand-alone mode, to perform case studies for planning or to evaluate alternatives or to identify opportunities for a better operation of the energy system. Furthermore, making sure that exceptions never go unnoticed, all the information of the energy system are organized into one real-time model and in a single environment to which everyone has access through a web browser.
Delivering a Robust Process Simulation Software
KBC's Petro-Sim has been justifying itself as the leading process simulation software in the refining and petrochemical industry with powerful kinetic reactor petrochemical industry with powerful kinetic reactor models. It supports both steady state model for off-line analysis and Digital Twins - Petro-Sim and Visual MESA Energy Optimizer - for real time control and optimization. Specifically for Utilities, Petro-Sim has the capability to model entire steam, power & fuel network, including Gas turbine, HRSG, Boilers, Steam Turbine etc. Furthermore, with HX-monitor, KBC enables real time monitoring of heat exchanger performance. It is being used to monitor preheat trains and also in recommending cleaning schedules for various exchangers based on economic payback calculations. The company also uses SUPER TARGET® "“ which is the industry norm for PINCH analysis - to pinpoint integration gaps and opportunities. It is being used by KBC consultants for energy optimization studies, and by users to find out heat integration opportunities, especially in analyzing off-design scenarios and modifications to the process unit.
"KBC enjoys a unique unrivalled position with two powerful software tools namely Petro-Sim and Visual MESA Energy Optimizer, working as a "˜Digital Twin' in advising the client on the Yield predictions and optimization of the Utilities," says Joan Sanroma, Director - Visual MESA "“ India and Middle East, KBC. "By placing the knowledge "“ Digital Twins and Advisory Portal - in the Cloud, one can enhance collaboration not only among site stakeholders, but also throughout the entire corporation. Also, it facilitates access to KBC skills and knowledge to build up capabilities within the company, and additionally, it allows access in real-time to sustain the Digital Twins by providing actionable information to achieve operational excellence," concludes Dr. Jagadesh.
Real-Time Optimization Of Production And Distribution
KBC delivers a Real-Time Optimization of the production and distribution of the energy, which can achieve an annual energy cost reduction up to 5 percent, depending on the available optimization handles. Moreover, through online calculation and monitoring of energy KPI's, such as equipment efficiencies, loss gap opportunity, intensity indexes of the site, areas, or units, steam and/or fuel imbalance, KBC enables operators and engineers to enhance their decision making process when deciding upon calibration of instrumentation campaigns, catalyst renewal, cleaning an equipment, etc.
"We have a very highly experienced energy & process consultant team, and due to the strong domain expertise and experience of delivering several energy saving programs across refining and petrochemical industry, our solutions are practical to implement. We not only focus on capital solution but also on quick wins through process optimization, which is one of the main differentiator for KBC energy programs globally," highlights Sachin Srivastava "“ Senior Consutlant Energy, KBC.