State of innovation in India has not really witnessed an upstreak lately. As a matter of fact, according to a report by Standford University, the university's annual contribution to the world in terms of innovation is greater than India's GDP. As an ex-advisor on Quality and Business Excellence to Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI), Pravin Rajpal found it appalling and in need of immediate attention. He felt the urge to leverage his experience as World's Leading Innovation Coach, Strategic Futurist, Innovator, and Author & Global Thought Leader to give back to the nation. Once resolved, Pravin started a movement-"˜One Student, One Patent' in India. This was the beginning of what later took shape into InnovatioNext.
InnovatioNext is a leader in next generation innovation market for large scale largeinnovation capacity building with digital tools and technologies. Pravin very rightly throws light on the need for Intrapreneurship, he says, "We don't just talk about entrepreneurs. We are talking about Intrapreneurs. Intrapreneurship is an idea, in which a student creates innovations for the company, and it has not caught up in India. We thought we should produce more intrapreneurs, who will create products and business models for the companies. Instead of leaving these budding entrepreneurs alone, we help them join companies, learn and contribute in real time".
Based out of Gurgaon, a division of World Innovation Network (WIN)Pvt. Ltd., InnovatioNext is the first and only consulting company in the world, which has created digital transformation of innovation and incubation Centres. These centres empower the next generation with cutting edge tools and technologies and thus build large scale innovation capacity for exponential growth. The new re-set world post COVID-19 has made digital tools and on-line education a new rule of survival for universities and corporates all over the world.
InnovatioNext's cutting-edge digital tools and technologies result in accelerating breakthrough innovations, intrapreneurship, technopreneurship, entrepreneurship and start-ups in an unprecedented manner. Essentially, InnovatioNext has changed the education system of India from the conventional and text book based system to the conceptual age education industry-academia system based on innovating new products, solutions, designs, processes, business models and strategies leading to faster growth for the industry.
Leveraging on this new found concept of skill search in India, InnovatioNext has brought the students closer to the companies or vice versa. InnovatioNext has built a platform wherein the company has enabled students to come on the platform and choose amongst a plethora of organizational challenges to resolve. "According to me, more than just technological innovations, these are Business Innovations that contribute to the growth of an enterprise and the student", adds Pravin.
All the Right Tools to Begin
InnovatioNext provides the complete Industry 4.0 Toolkit comprising of latest tools / technologies / Apps / User friendly software to convert institutes' existing computer labs into industry 4.0 innovation labs. The tools help in transforming every student into a passionate and creative thought leader, innovator and intrapreneur with totally new age mind sets to steer the industry for innovation driven growth.
These tools help in developing holistic and future ready industry professions in a self-paced manner. Some of the digital tools worth mentioning are technology App containing 90 channels and 2500 items of applications of emerging technologies, set of 12 3D Idea Generators, 100 ready to use mind maps for developing breakthrough products and start-ups, Innovation selfassessment framework & software, and Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Business Excellence knowledge bank. These tools have the potential to replace the traditional rote learning and curriculum centred teaching with new methods that develop a solution mindset.
Today organizations seek "˜solutionists' rather than an employee. Pravin emphasizes on the fact that the digital tools lead the way for a collaborated and open innovation culture. It helps students to learn in an open environment, and building on their capabilities steadily with the help of self-assessment tools and framework. He says, "Innovation is not about starting an idea from scratch. It's about open learning & innovation culture. Our labs are open innovation centres, wherein the students learn without trying something on their own and failing".
Innovation is not about starting an idea from scratch. It's about open learning & innovation culture
Most of the institutes where InnovatioNext has set up the centres have reported rise in the number of patents, recruitment by MNCs, doubling of the compensation packages, innovation wards, start-ups and building of the brand image. Particularly, in PCCOE, 370 new patents, up from 20 patents, were developed by in the last 3 years after setting up InnovatioNext's innovation lab/centre.
Pravin's vision is to develop Innovation capacity of India in the fastest, simplest and most cost-effective manner. InnovatioNext is on a mission to set up 500 InnovatioNext centres in the next 3 years. The organization will introduce on-line trainings in the future and certified programs for corporate / university professionals , directed toward preparing students for industry 4.0. After setting up the centre at the university and conducting faculty development program, InnovatioNext will offer the licenses to conduct flagship programs to the universities for generating new revenue streams. The future belongs to Intrapreneurs, and InnovatioNext is equipped with just the right tools to help students embrace the new learning paradigms.