Arjun Hari,Co-Founder and CEO
In the Indian education structure, the policies and dealings related to a mix of functions like admission, teaching, timetable, fee management and examination have grown manifold and continue to update frequently. At this hour, every IT firm has an education ERP up their sleeves, but such firms fall short of innovation and focus to solve actual educational vertical problems. Besides, unlike other sectors, data in education can be put to the best use not just for business decision making, but for the overall credibility of education. Wudi has embarked on a journey to fix major bottlenecks in the entire workflow of how education is delivered. Given the lack of a data driven approach within the educational institutions, Wudi has been ensuring a data perspective to the entire backend while providing more usability at the front end. Wudi is an AI powered data analytics product that seamlessly integrates to derive behavioural insights and business intelligence.
Despite the sheer abundance of benefits, ERP users' recognize usability problems with teachers and these problems negatively affect the adaptability of the system in large scale. The systems mandate the process for the school to follow rather than the schools processes being imbibed in the system. The functions considered here are core functions like students reaching their classes, teachers taking attendance and the management intimating the parents of news and other school activities. Although, the functions mentioned take a central place in ERPs, students' educational requirements are unfortunately overlooked. Wudi, therefore started to gather more data about the students. Wudi has built a customizable system allowing teachers to tweak it as per their convenience. A teacher can simply create a template and start capturing student data for insights. Since
all the complexities are maintained in the backend, the essence of a simple-to-use product becomes strong and appealing. "We are currently in the beta phase and have a closed loop of clients with whom we are working. The clients are from schools, higher education institutions, mentors and consultants", Arjun Hari, Co founder and CEO, Wudi - while elaborating on the future prospects of the product.
Wudi created a system that enables granular drill-downs
Less drill downs in conventional education ERPs, at times causes the users to lose the context of their search upon moving from one feature to another. Fixing this drawback, Wudi designed the system in a manner that the context is saved and understood by the system. In most cases, drill downs are very difficult due to complex set of data. When creating a dashboard or report, presenting summarized or aggregated data might be considered easier than giving end-users the ability to drill into every last detail - however, this is a tradeoff that comes at the price of limiting the possible depth of analysis and data discovery. Therefore, not buying into this tradeoff, Wudi created a system that enables granular drill-downs, associated with processing larger amounts of data.
Unlike other ERP's where analytics boils down to simple graphical representation of data, Wudi is using the power of AI to derive deep insights to discover talents and skills of students. Wudi does not stop there, but, also helps students connect with respective mentors across the globe to help them hone their skills to excel in the fields of their interest.
Wudi is looking forward to building an ecosystem with added features in their product, where the company has plans underway to bring all the service providers on board-up scaling, rescaling in higher education institutes. This move is looked ahead by Wudi as an opportunity to mould the careers of students in a much efficient manner.