With the Digitization across the industries, India has become a huge market for Conversational AI-driven virtual sales and customer support agents. For businesses to scale swiftly and efficiently, they must use technologies like Vernacular Conversational AI. DheeYantra Research Labs is a Bangalore-based company transforming the Conversational AI industry in India as well as across the globe. With its Voice AI stack, automating the Indian and Global Call center market has opened a much wider market for DheeYantra. The company per-forms deep integrations with their clients' back-end systems to automate use cases that can add more value to their businesses using conversational AI.
This ranges from simple Conversational Lead Generation systems to more complex use cases like the Intelligent Virtual Agents performing complete sales and aftersales support. dhee.ai enables businesses to setup conversational automation as it supports both voice and chat-based conversations in various Indian languages. All the technological modules like Automatic Speech Recognition, NLP, NLU, TTS, Speaker Diarization, Sentiment Analysis, and others, are patented and proprietary algorithms, developed in-house by DheeYantra.
dhee.ai - Comprehensive Conversational AI Platform Regards to customer support automation, the clients automate their top 80 percent of customer queries. DheeYantra understands their client's business process better before defining a customized plan for them. With their omnichannel deployment, the enterprises get connected with their customers wherever they are Tele-phone, WhatsApp, FB, Telegram, and others. dhee.ai is an Enterprise-grade Conversational AI platform built for Enterprises, where customization starts from language models to conversational flow/process and choice of languages and channels.
dhee.ai is a complete Conversational AI platform, where Enterprises can build voice-assisted IVA across nine Indian Languages in more than 30 media channels such as WhatsApp, IVR, Telephony, Website Widgets, Telegram, FB Messenger, and more. It offers APIs of Independent Modules if any enterprise wants to build a solution using individual technological components. These APIs are for Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR or Speech-to-Text), Natural Language Processing and Understanding (NLP and NLU), Text-to-Speech (TTS), Transliteration, Speaker Diarization, Sentiment Analysis, etc. in all the nine languages.
As India's First and only Developer Platform for True Vernacular Conversational AI, DheeYantra's dhee.ai is helping businesses worldwide to build a much stronger and delightful customer experience by engaging with them in their own language
The key aspect of Conversational AI is NLP and NLU based Intelligent Virtual Agents. dhee.ai is built using Deep Learning-based spoken language under-standing modules through which, the virtual agents understand the semantics or meaning of user utterances and take the cognitive decisions accordingly. It works with independent NLU pipelines underneath gaining quite a high accuracy of machine understanding of languages, as the machine has been taught to understand each of the languages. It also has best-in-class accuracy for its NLP/NLU systems with 91-98.3 percent F1 scores.
Being Cloud Agnostic, fully developed inhouse, and patented tech, there is no dependency on any third-party software or libraries. dhee.ai is being used by numerous enterprises from various verticals like Banks, Insurances, NBFCs, Retail, Manufacturing, Food & Beverages, Edu-Tech, and more.