According to a report published by Microsoft and the Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI), India’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) market is expected to witness a growth of 20 percent over the next five years, and the country is among the top three talent markets, producing 16 percent of the world’s AI talent pool. The study further found extensive penetrations of AI or ML across enterprises, with nearly 80 percent of them having at least one AI model in their production. Leveraging this growth by proving cutting-edge AI solutions is Frinksyn, a Kolkata-based data Annotation service provider for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence companies.
Bringing together the best people, processes, and technologies, Frinksyn is on a mission to deliver exceptional quality data services to its customers. “We partner with your vision to understand your requirements while assuring to be agile and flexible for your evolving data needs”, says Partha S Adhikari. Frinksyn Architects draw upon their deep expertise to help define the requirements, training, workflow, feedback loops, and data validation. The company’s flagship AI solutions include Computer Vision, NLP, Content Moderation and Product Categorization. The firm’s Computer Vision solutions include Video Annotation, Image Annotation, Audio Annotation, Text Annotation and Lidar Annotation.
Frinksyn enables unparalleled control of an annotation workflow by helping to spot quality issues in the data and integrates seamlessly into the pipeline. The company’s NLP on the other hand helps machine learning to acquire only the useful words from the sentence and make it understandable for AI words. Frinksyn also offers natural language annotation services for machine learning
Bringing together the best people, processes, and technologies, Frinksyn is on a mission to deliver exceptional quality data services to its customers. “We partner with your vision to understand your requirements while assuring to be agile and flexible for your evolving data needs”, says Partha S Adhikari. Frinksyn Architects draw upon their deep expertise to help define the requirements, training, workflow, feedback loops, and data validation. The company’s flagship AI solutions include Computer Vision, NLP, Content Moderation and Product Categorization. The firm’s Computer Vision solutions include Video Annotation, Image Annotation, Audio Annotation, Text Annotation and Lidar Annotation.
Frinksyn enables unparalleled control of an annotation workflow by helping to spot quality issues in the data and integrates seamlessly into the pipeline. The company’s NLP on the other hand helps machine learning to acquire only the useful words from the sentence and make it understandable for AI words. Frinksyn also offers natural language annotation services for machine learning
with an optimum level of accuracy. The company’s Content Moderation solution which includes reviewing/moderating content of any type (text, images, videos, audio, and more) ensures that the platform is free from any inappropriate content and does not violate the platform guide lines. Frinksyn provides data-driven content moderation services using the best tool technology and human intelligence. Further, Frinksyn’s Product categorization solution uses data to train a model to predict the category of a given product.
Depending on the client’s needs and goals, Frinksyn can use proprietary data annotation tools, the client’s tools, or any third party tools. The company is flexible to work with its client’s customized tools and any third party industry standard tools.
Delivering Excellence
Some of Frinksyn’s list of valuable clients include Allegion, Super Annotate and Dataloop. The company’s solutions create a labeling environment that will keep up with the most ambitious projects in AI and it does so with the help of its qualified team members. “Our dedicated project teams include domain experts, solution architects,project managers and experienced annotators,” adds Partha. To ensure each of its clients receives what they need, the company offers free demo services.
Frinksyn also has an internal audit team completely independent of project teams that regularly checks the quality of deliverables. The company understands the value that AI and ML bring about in easing the work flow methodologies and hence hopes to continually innovate on its solutions. In the future, the company plans to walk into a new phase and help solve basis of problems with the power of AI. “The world of AI moves fast, don’t let ground truth slow you down. Once you understand the ease it delivers, you will love it too”, concludes Partha.
Frinksyn bring together the best people, processes, & technologies to deliver exceptional quality data services
Depending on the client’s needs and goals, Frinksyn can use proprietary data annotation tools, the client’s tools, or any third party tools. The company is flexible to work with its client’s customized tools and any third party industry standard tools.
Delivering Excellence
Some of Frinksyn’s list of valuable clients include Allegion, Super Annotate and Dataloop. The company’s solutions create a labeling environment that will keep up with the most ambitious projects in AI and it does so with the help of its qualified team members. “Our dedicated project teams include domain experts, solution architects,project managers and experienced annotators,” adds Partha. To ensure each of its clients receives what they need, the company offers free demo services.
Frinksyn also has an internal audit team completely independent of project teams that regularly checks the quality of deliverables. The company understands the value that AI and ML bring about in easing the work flow methodologies and hence hopes to continually innovate on its solutions. In the future, the company plans to walk into a new phase and help solve basis of problems with the power of AI. “The world of AI moves fast, don’t let ground truth slow you down. Once you understand the ease it delivers, you will love it too”, concludes Partha.