Edvancer: Helping Organizations Access Analytics Talent

CIO Vendor With the Big Data revolution, need for data scientists are increasing on a daily basis. Along with this the need for business managers who understand analytics is even greater. Addressing this tremendous need is Edvancer Eduventures, an analytics training institute providing online courses. Edvancer, headed by CEO, Aatash Shah, aims to provide an analytics knowledge hub where the training from the novice to the advanced levels is provided under a single roof. Trying to bridge the requirements for such professionals it offers comprehensive application oriented certificate courses, Certified Business Analytics Professional, Certified Hadoop & Big Data Expert and Certified R Programmer for Analytics.

Edvancer ensures that their courses provide the complete, practical training. The institute aims at providing industry experience backed with robust conceptual knowledge. To achieve this, the trainees work hands-on on the technologies through real-world case studies, projects and assignments which give them a jumpstart with the ability to flatten the learning curve to their advantage. Meanwhile, the institute also strives towards offering modular courses which focus on certain aspects of the field to reduce the burden of too many topics in a short time. "We provide classes on internet enabled devices and provide self-paced video based courses. Our training courses can prepare the talent for these jobs in a
short while in an extremely practical, application oriented manner," claims Shah.

For the corporate to take advantage of the analytics growth, they will need to access the best possible talent without increasing their cost. The only way out is to outsource the training of raw talent in the requisite skills to institutes, and here is where Edvancer with impeccable training standards comes into play. "We offer trainings within enterprises and colleges on-site or online which enables them to train & up-skill their talent in a short duration" says Shah. To deliver the latest technologies the institute maintains constant contact with the best and biggest companies in the analytics & big data industry to see what kind of tools and techniques are becoming more popular.

Edvancer offers trainings within enterprises and colleges on-site or online which enables them to train & up-skill their talent in a short duration

Edvancer's efforts and dedication has given many organizations access to trained analytics professionals. The institute is looking forward to further expansion by launching more courses within the field of analytics such as text, social media, financial, and retail analytics, machine learning etc. They are also growing internationally with a focus on training people and training for organizations in the USA, UK, Singapore and the Gulf.