LatentView Analytics - Enabling Digital Transformation through Actionable Insights

CIO Vendor In today's scenario, Data has moved on from the role of being collected for internal and regulatory compliance. Requirements have changed from "procedural data" to data that can lead to business insights and ultimately, a higher profit margin. This requires internal data to be blended with external sources like social and syndicated data to name a few. However, many enterprises today are on the backseat owing to non flexibility in design to absorb large amounts of data. LatentView Analytics, headquartered in Prince ton, New Jersey, caters to these pain points by offering data analytics solutions that are based on their indepth understanding of the digital and mobile space.Consumers are increasingly turning to digital and mobile platforms and these platforms in turn offer companies a more in-depth understanding of their customers than traditional marketing methods often do.

Founded in 2006, LatentView Analytics has been working with Fortune 500 companies since inception whilst helping them use analytics to solve core business problems. Being an Advanced Consulting Partner to Amazon Web Services (AWS), and having demonstrated significant expertise and experience in cloud computing, the organization aims to be trusted partners for enterprises undergoing digital transformations. "We already have significant and demonstrated expertise when it comes to the SMAC framework (Social, Mobile, Analytics, and Cloud).Mobile is a newly emerging area and we are investing prominently to stay ahead of the curve," says Venkat Viswanathan, Founder and Chairman.

LatentView backs itself in its ability to combine an understanding of its client's business with knowledge of data
analytics and mathematical modelling techniques, ultimately providing accurate and actionable insights, on time. By partnering with organizations such as Tableau, a data visualization tool, the team believes it can bring insights closer to the business user where in it can directly influence decision making on a real-time basis. Similarly, LatentView ties up with many technology companies that possess proprietary methodologies of dealing with machine data, which is a completely different entity from business data.

LatentView's tactic to combat big data lies in continuously building knowledge in APIs to extract and combine various forms of data and leveraging the cloud to handle its complexities. As a methodology, by combining data solutions with the "Agile Model", LatentView ensures business requirements get engaged early on as a part of solution's development and therefore ensuring an optimized iterative delivery.

"For better management of delivery, we have invested in Engagement Managers who are deeply embedded with the client's business and therefore are able to understand their business better and offer them solutions that are business ready," points out Venkat.

In a fiercely competitive market, LatentView leverages the fact that one third of the company's workforce is business school graduates, which is a master class move by the LatentView management as they realize that data analysis needs to be done keeping in mind business realities, in order for the final Insights to be actionable.

Moving forward, the company plans to increase its footprint in its primary market, i.e USA. With offices in four overseas locations, LatentView is also eyeing to expand to newer geographies. The company today looks towards its future with an unwavering focus to be the most trusted analytical partner and place itself at the cornerstone of long term successful relationships with its clients.