In the current scenario, Big Data Solutions are being utilized in various domains like Retail, Networking, Advertisement, Banking and Insurance, etc. CIOs are struggling to find the correct vendor for customized analytics platform which could bridge the knowledge gap. Rendering solutions to these problems is Payoda, a software services provider with a one of a kind Big Data platform. The traditional data management methods and tools are ineffective when responding to big data challenges. Payoda's analytics solution helps companies analyze large volumes of structured and unstructured data to decipher hidden patterns, unknown correlations and other useful information, thus enabling business stakeholders to make more informed decisions. Evidence-based and data driven support in performance management, quality care and fraud detection space makes this company the best choice for analytics solution.
"Our Big Data platform is customizable and can smoothly adapt to any domain including Telecommunication, Banking, Retail and Pharmaceutical industries", says Anand Purusothaman, the CEO. This platform has been tested extensively on highest data volume environments like network security and traffic management solutions. "Our largest implementation has been carried out in North America, including the top insurance, financial and telecom companies", claims Purusothaman.
In addition to customer implementations, they have also integrated the Big Data platform with AppViewX, a network traffic management platform that deals with Tera bytes of data on a daily basis. This solution makes intelligent decisions in real time, with regard to network security and network traffic management.
What delights the CIOs are highly intelligent business insights, based on the information assets and Payoda does precisely what is needed. The Big Data platform consumes data feeds and segregates them into structured and unstructured data type definitions. Specific machine learning, analytical algorithms can be further applied on those large volumes of data including real time and batch analytics processing. With Payoda's Big Data platform, analytics and data science expertise, they help customers maximize the productivity of their information assets. The advantage in fostering relation with the team is that it can run on commodity hardware that is affordable for enterprises.
Holding expertise in big data,
mobility and cloud space along
with consulting expertise
makes Payoda unique and gives
them an edge for growth
Being a 4th generation technology hub that leverages innovation and technical leadership since its inception, this company sees tremendous opportunity and growth in the current emerging market and trends. Holding expertise in big data, mobility and cloud space along with consulting expertise makes this company unique and gives them an edge for growth. With large successful implementations already delivered, this company has proved its mettle and has remarkably positioned itself to tackle and add value in Big Data space for businesses globally. By allocating a significant percentage of its investment in R&D, especially in big data space, they are making the right strategic moves so as to lead to significant growth of the company in the upcoming years propelling them forward towards more success stories.