As digital transformation unfolds and gains momentum, so does the reliance on new analytics software and architectures. Today, software is not only driving business processes, but entire business models, and the need to manage, monitor and troubleshoot applications in real time has never been more critical. Thus, the need for speed, full-stack visibility and agility "” all in real time "” is the true business demand underpinning the growth of machine data analytics. Aligning right in the gap between challenge and solution is the Mumbai, Maharashtra, headquartered MachinePulse Tech Pvt. Ltd.
Since its inception in 2013, MachinePulse has been observing the key trends in machine data and preparing for the age where device to device communication will far exceed other types of communication. The company has built a platform with a robust technology back end that will enable it to acquire voluminous amounts of data, from multiple sources, store and process it to give meaningful insights to the clients' end customers. Leaving no stones unturned, MachinePulse has also ensured that their platform has the resilience to scale rapidly to keep pace with the humongous amount of data generated every day.
Simplifying Unstructured Data
MachinePulse's experience in the Renewable energy industry has already helped them build expertise to talk to legacy systems and integrate pools of unstructured and scattered data. This experience helped the company to build modular adaptors which can be used to acquire data and convert it into a common format.
Machine learning and predictive algorithms are the basis for a number of connected intelligent consumer devices and MachinePulse has invested heavily in this area.
"Device behaviour is largely predictable based on the physical properties of the same and so we have built sophisticated models which ensure that the physical properties of devices are considered along with the statistical data points", says Basant Jain, CEO, MachinePulse.
MachinePulse has been observing the key trends in machine data and preparing for the age where device to device communication will far exceed other types of communication.
MachinePulse offers a complete range of products from industrial grade data acquisition devices to a robust and scalable cloud platform that can be deployed together or into existing IoT workflows with full flexibility. Furthermore, it has embedded security features across all layers of the process to offer the highest degree of security for the customers. MachinePulse got a major breakthrough in 2013, when Mahindra EPC SCADA and monitoring division was set up with SolarPulse v1.0 being deployed at the same time. WindPulse by MachinePulse is an advanced wind farm analytics solution that predicts generation, equipment health and helps efficiently manage the entire wind portfolio with an interactive user. As a testimony to the solution's success, the then portfolio size of 2MW has now grown to hit 400 MW + of solar assets and 450 MW+ of wind assets and 2 manufacturing plants. FactoryPulse developed by WindPulse v1.0 is in its infacy stage and has already undertaken 2 pilots.
With a clear focus of delivering value to customers from customers' own data, MachinePulse will continue to perceive the collected data as a powerful tool to improve the efficiency of businesses and optimize resources. This being the vision driving the company forward, one can fairly expect MachinePulse to become a key player in the industrial IoT space in India.