TechnoIdentity Solutions - Enabling Analytics for Organizations towards Optimized Processes
TechnoIdentity Solutions - Enabling Analytics for Organizations towards Optimized Processes
Organizations have huge volumes of data and more often than not, there would be little or no dialogue happening between departments. This essentially makes them work in silos which curb the possibility of decision-making using collective information. The insights that can be derived out of a common data warehouse and tapping into the collective knowledge of various departments are left to one's imagination. There are just a few ways that organizations can utilize the potential of analytics and big data to help serve people better. Striking the chord right in this requirement and opportunity vacuum is Hyderabad, Telangana headquartered TechnoIdentity Solutions, is High Scale Web Platforms, Analytics Platforms and Government solutions.
With a strong faith in the immense potential of software and especially data analytics to solve ground level problems, TechnoIdentity built a data system which tracks the necessary information of a citizen at the Gram panchayat level across several departments. This 360-degree view of a citizen enabled the Government authorities to design new schemes and policies tailored for a specific set of citizens and also measure the impact of these schemes. On a parallel timeline, the company also focuses strongly in Pricing and demand predictive analytics. As a testimonial to that, TechnoIdentity has built a system which through high performance data processing is able to suggest better product designs and more options for the designs of a manufacturing client. The importance of streaming has grown in recent years, even for data that doesn't strictly require it; because it's a competitive advantage to reduce the time gap between data arrival and information extraction. Analyzing a stream of data, is associated with a different thought process and technology stack, and apparently the company has been a strong advocate of using real-time analytic solutions like Spark vs the traditional Hadoop route.
TechnoIdentity built a data system which tracks the necessary information of a citizen at the Gram panchayat level across several departments.
TechnoIdentity developers are adept at technologies like Scala, Clojure, React, Clojure script, Swift and many more. The company is perceptive in adopting new technologies which holds true by the fact that the team is presently working on Kotlin as an alternative to Java for building Android apps. With Data, Web and Mobile being the triangle of growth for TechnoIdenity, the company has a broad roadmap ahead with- expansion to 3 geographies and an initiative of student connect to guide the students towards industry intent-being bits of it. The company revealed its plan of starting a new training division backed by their expertise in the next couple of months.
Embracing Open Source
This private limited's first such lead call arrived 3 years ago for Scala development when the language was still in obscurity in the Indian market. The trend followed for Clojure, Clojurescript, React and others which further motivated the team to invest even more in these technologies and expand the existing teams. "This is showing us returns at this junction, where with minimal marketing we are able to generate quality leads for the technologies we are working on. The entry barrier for the competition is also set high.", adds Venkat Chitturi, Director, TechnoIdentity. All such advancements and hard work finally paid off when a project "˜Cyber Village' was listed under the Digital India undertakings and won several awards including the Skoch Order-of-Merit under the e-Governance category.
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