The business stakes of data analytics projects are getting higher, as more and more organizations deploy big data systems and look to take full advantage of the rapidly growing pools of data being collected by such organizations. In the past, data analytics often was more closely associated with self-service business intelligence and data discovery applications run by business users looking to create basic charts on revenue, profits and other key performance indicators. How to make understanding analytics easier? That's the question Bangalore headquartered Predictive Analytics has time and gain tried to answer. Predictive Analytics Solutions provides products and training services that help address the Predictive Analytics needs of corporate organizations, government bodies as well as Academic and Research institution in ways that are simplified in the lay man's terms.
Predictive Analytics avails a sort of software programming language called R that has increased in leaps and bounds for its nature of being a freeware. Consequently, a lot of developers and amateur and professional data scientists alike contribute to it with the innumerable functions available in it. "So people are slowly looking away from proprietary software and making path for business analytics", adds Sumit Bardhan, Director, Predictive Analytics Solutions.
The Power of R without the Challenge of Coding
Predictive Analytics Solutions' flagship product STATCRAFT is a webserver based platform that allows users to run data analytics in R from a browser based GUI that eliminates the need to write complex R code. It allows users to perform Data Analytics using R. In addition, STATCRAFT delivers the R output as formatted, presentation quality tables and reports.
Whether it is quickly importing the data, or accessing the power of R Analytics and Graphics, STATCRAFT makes it easy for analysts to concentrate on analytics rather than coding. "If we have to make things simple then we have to make templates so that data structures become simpler to bring in before analysis", explains Sumit. He goes on to explain that data formatting is the most important step before analysis begins.
In its true sense, 80 percent of effort goes into extracting the data. This is because a business may or may not always possess the data in a shape on which the analysis can be done as it is. Herein, lies a mammoth-size challenge i.e. to get the data in the corresponding format required for a particular analysis technique. STATCRAFT provides a range of preprocessing tools for organizing and cleaning the data. This essentially means that once the data is brought in, tools come into play to restructure the data as required by the analysts.
Predictive Analytics Solutions provides products and training services that help address the Predictive Analytics needs of corporate organizations, government bodies as well as Academic and Research institution in ways that are simplified in the lay man's terms
Presently, the company is working with a semi-governmental research to build a predictive model that can evaluate relationships between TB and the factors causing it. With a prime focus on simplifying the perspective towards Data analytics, Predictive Analytics Solutions is headed strong to build a sense of true understanding for big data.