Actify Data Labs: Assuring Growth And Efficiency With Product-First Approach

CIO Vendor Data has become the bread and butter for companies, irrespective of their industry vertical or its size. Today, everything we do results in new data. Hence, now, data is the most crucial commodity whose value is incalculable. The advancements across various next-generation technologies have enabled today's businesses to reap the required benefits of the seas of data from numerous sources. When we look a few years back, businesses used to gather information, structure it, and run analytics, which then were used for decision-making in the future. But today, changing market dynamics, a pro-active usability of the data is required with configuration as per the requirements of the customers. However, to reap these benefits and stay abreast of the current situation, one needs to partner with a credible data analytics solution provider who can lead one's company towards more smart business moves, higher profits, efficient operations, and happy customers.

Speaking of which, Actify Data Labs has been one such startup who has been bringing the needed and actionable data to work towards the success of its clients and intensify their market growth bandwagon. Actify Data Labs is an Augmented Intelligence company that delivers rapid business impact using data science and data engineering capabilities. As many ML and Big Data initiatives fail because such nuances are not properly addressed while developing solutions, the company reaps the capabilities of Augmented Intelligence to make ML significantly useful and accessible to everyone by making it more humane.

As a data platform and machine learning company, we observe a lot of development in the technology world. A great share of those developments are around machine learning, AI, among others. Adhering to the advancements, we built ADAPTify. This platform accelerates the complete data-to-decisions life cycle and democratizes AI by empowering data scientists." signifies Hindol Basu, CEO at Actify Data Labs.

Driving Value across Business Operations
Actify Data Labs offers clients with a completely data-driven solution, where as per the requirements, they offer from a simple dashboard, to machine learning model. Moreover, they also integrate various source systems so as to enable data usability for usage across other systems as well. Giving an example, says, "We may have a call centre which requires real time data from ten others systems. So, to do the same, we have to get all these data, aggregate it, and clean it and supply it to the call centre system. Anything that you do with data our platform addresses that."

Furthermore, like a sun in the solar system, once the platform helps in aggregating all the data both within and external, they also offer a lot of small satellite products around the platform. They have a specific product on image analytics; facial recognition system to estimate BMI, gender, and age from the various facial elements. ADL also has a product called unique customer ID which uses all the data about the customer to create unique customers' and households' data. Furthermore, the company also has various other products which are satellite products around the main data platform with deliverability of services surrounding the same.

A Product-first Approach
ADL's biggest USP is the fact that it is a product-first company and not a service-first. "If you see mostly in the Indian technology and data science space, most companies are a service-first company. Whereas, we are the product first company, so, whenever we go to the client, we go with our product, i.e., Adaptify as the primary solution. Our product essentially has all the elements or the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle that are necessary to leverage data, starting from connectors to all data sources. Starting from configuring loads or connection of data from data sources which are very high performance, to streaming data sources such as sensors and others." explains Hindol.

The product is a standard data platform product that is configured as per the client needs. They bring in connectors for all databases and data sources. For instance, if a client may have a Oracle ERP, so the connector to the Oracle ERP is configured. On the other hand, another client may have SAP as the ERP, so the connector to SAP is configured accordingly. So everything is configured and integrated as per the exact requirements of the clients.

Also, it has simple drag and drop utilities to combine data. For instance, if one has data from ERP and CRM which needs to be combined, then it has
a simple drag and drop option to create dashboards and to build machine learning models. Then it also has API frameworks so that one can expose data or machine learning models from the platform. Henceforth, those can be consumed by other applications to generate valuable insights and information. ADL has put together all elements that are needed to leverage data.

Bringing Capabilities of open Source Stack
ADL's platform is built completely in an open source stack. Which means that, when they approach the client, there isn't any other underlying license which is involved. Let's say, if clients pay Rs.100 for our platform, the client doesn't have to pay extra Rs.20 for a Oracle License or a sequel server license. Thus, this significantly reduces the overall cost of the ownership.

"We have created our product in a very configurable product (flexible). Due to which, implementation time is very low. So within 30-45 days, we will solve the data integration problems, and within 90 days, we will show tangible value from the investment of the client. Hence, within one quarter (Q1), the client sees the ROI instantly," highlights Hindol.

Adl's biggest usp is the fact that it is a product-first company and not a service-first

"When a client gets the product, they can build various solutions using the data on top of the product. One can do it by themselves, or what we do is, sometimes, we can do it for our clients as well. We create a team composed of a small set of highly empowered full-stack technology experts which we call it as a digitallab who will seamlessly guide with the implementation and operations," he adds.

Actify Data Labs has satellite products that enhance the primary product, such as, image analytics product, video analytics product, unique customer and household ID product, among others. They also have a KYC management product, which is again an image analytics based solution. So all these satellite products have been helping clients to realize value faster from the actual product.

An Insight into the Leadership Team
Hindol Basu and Bijoy Khandelwal are the two experts who started the company back in 2018. Their third core member is the Chief Data Scientist, Bilal Arif. Speaking of Hindol Basu, he is the CEO of the company who has 16 years of experience in analytics consulting and advising clients in India, Asia Pacific and North America across financial services, manufacturing and retail.

"Adl's platform is built completely in an open source stack"

If we talk about Bijoy Khandelwal, who is the COO of Actify Data Labs, he is also the chief architect of the product. He has been bringing a huge amount of experience in product architecture, big-data, data engineering, and data science; a real full-stacked architect, so to say.

Lastly, Bilal Arif is the Chief Analytics Officer who brings-in a huge amount of data science experience. He is a very academically rich data science guy and is always abreast with the latest and future trends. He has been working extensively on building cutting edge machine learning solutions across traditional and unstructured data sources.

Building a Long-term Relationship
Actify Data Labs' product essentially creates that robust foundation that is needed to leverage data. So once they help them in building the foundation, they are able to create that long-term and a profitable relationship; a stickier bond compared to anyone else's, who are just there as a one time or from a multiple service provider.

Striding forward with the changing times
We are continuously creating new frameworks which will refine the product as per the situation, requirement, and the overall market dynamic. So just within one and a half year, we have carried out 10 installations of the platform for clients across various industry segments. Some of key clients which use our platform include the companies like Starbucks India, the Scotts Group, India First Life, L&T Defense, Toyota financial Services, among others," concludes Hindol. Currently, the company is based out of Bangalore with its presence in Mumbai as well. They also have a representative office in the US, and are planning to ramp up their US business with the exit from the COVID situation.