In a variety of government and private domains biometric recognition is being promoted as a technology that can augment the efficiency of access to services and their utilization. Biometric recognition has been applied to identification of criminals, patient tracking in medical informatics, and the personalization of social services. However, in spite of substantial effort, there remain unresolved questions about the effectiveness and management of systems for biometric recognition. Eliminating the uncertainty by developing identity management and access control solutions for the information security requirements of large and medium sized organizations is Mantra Softech (India) Pvt Ltd.
Apart from various Biometrics related software, Mantra has also developed software related to Smartcard and RFID.
Headquartered in Ahmedabad; Mantra is a manufacturer of large range of biometric products that works on all kind of biometrics technologies (Fingerprint, Face, Palm Vein and IRIS) available. A leader in Biometric Security and Business Solutions since its inception in 2002, Mantra serves a huge clientele which includes Major Government Organizations, PSU, Corporates, Financial Institutions and various System Integrators across India. "8 of India's top 10 corporate are our customers. In fact 60 percent of top 100 companies in the nation are among Mantra's Customers." affirms Hiren K Bhandari, Director, Mantra Softech.
Product Suite Based on Biometric Technologies
Registered under ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004; Mantra has been certified by various technology companies as Windows Embedded Partner, Microsoft Registered Partner, Intel Software Partner and Fujitsu Leading Expert Partner. Moreover, firm's various products have been certified on quality standards like CE, FCC, WHQL, UL, IEC60950, FBI, STQC and CB. The Fingerprint Sensors and IRIS sensors of Mantra are used in Indian Government's Flagship programs such as Aadhaar Enabled Biometrics Attendance System (AEBAS), Jeevan Pramaan, Aadhaar Based Digital Signature and Aajivika Program. Distinguished by solutions for Biometric Fingerprint recognition, IRIS identification, Face verification and Palm authentication; Mantra bestows clients with avant-garde products such as FingerDisk, a Biometric Access Controlled USB Flash Drive; Biosafe, a combination of traditional keylock system and fingerprint locking system; and PFS-407, a live fingerprint sensor for police application, to name a few. Apart from various Biometrics related software, Mantra has also developed software related to Smartcard and RFID. Driven by ethics and endeavoring in pursuit of perfection; Mantra prides in developing the first optical fingerprint sensor in India MFS100, introducing First IRIS Sensor MIS100; and developing First web based GPRS Fingerprint Attendance System. India's First company to have an FBI Certification; Mantra is also the first Biometrics company in India to be UIDAI Enrolment Agency that secured the lowest FRR Ranking at FRR competition by UIDAI / STQC / CDAC.
With over 5000+ channel partners and 1 lakh+ customers; Mantra is committed to endow Biometric, RFID and Smartcard based solutions to aid organizations in enhancing business and security. With offices currently in Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, Mumbai, Delhi, Pune, Jaipur, Kolkatta, Jharkhand, Lucknow and Bhopal; Mantra further aims at spreading its wings geographically and technologically in the upcoming years. "Our innovation is to transform the Biometric technology where any integrator, customer or manufacturer can pick its own product; and be able to keep the existing legacy software or integrate any hardware with it for effective usage." concludes Hiren.