Bitcoin's rise to prominence in 2017 has been well documented. The market capitalization of the token grew from USD 15 billion to USD 233 billion in a span of one year. "˜Bitcoin' became the second most searched news topic globally. However, often forgotten, Blockchain is the very technology that underpins Bitcoin and the entire cryptocurrency market. This lack of dialogue is due to lack of truly revolutionary blockchain applications that are aimed at solving real-world problems on a global scale. The purpose of this technology is to be a decentralizing force that puts more power in the hands of people. More so, blockchain addresses this by operating without a central body. Pioneering in building real use cases and solving real world problems through Blockchain technology, Gurgaon based QuillHash has been serving enterprises and businesses in different domains like healthcare, retail, telecom, music and supply chain.
Starting a wave in this new found and promising technology, QuillHash was founded by eccentric entrepreneurs, who, with their deep tech understanding, rode the initial wave of cryptocurrency and blockchain. Preetam Rao carries 6 years of experience and deep understanding of technology especially Smart contracts, Dapps. Mithil Thakore has managed his own cryptocurrency exchange earlier based in the States and is highly skilled in Strategic planning. Rajat Gahlot holds the knowhow of crypto markets and Blockchain projects in various domains, while having managed a cryptocurrency hedge-fund of USD 20 million. The trio has also envisioned a Research wing of Quillhash called Quillhash Labs, which works closely with some of the most prominent Blockchain platforms from across the world to research on promising new technologies and conduct meet-ups to spread awareness and knowledge about Blockchain technology in India. The company has successfully conducted hands-on session for Cosmos and Ethereum Blockchains. Quillhash Labs also incubates Blockchain enthusiasts providing them resources to explore upcoming Blockchain platforms and develop in-house blockchain projects.
One of their recently launched in-house SaaS product is Arisa.io , an advanced Security Audit platform for Ethereum based Smart Contracts, DApps and MVPs. Arisa provides complete solution to identify and determine vulnerabilities and violations of logic in the smart contract through it's Automated tools and Manual analysis and generates an overall analysis report.
Expertise from Ideation to Deployment
QuillHash has a ground up approach to client's business problems. After the ideation stage, where the blockchain platform to be used is determined, the team designs and challenges the best possible way to solve the problems either through their inhouse implemented solutions or by building better solutions from scratch. QuillHash writes efficient and scalable code, that bootstraps clients' business to a distributed ecosystem.
During the deployment stage, this Blockchain tech player ensures secure and reliable integration. Even before building POCs, this team of experienced blockchain architects advises and guides Enterprises and Governments according to their needs to choose best technology stack amongst the plethora of existing possible options. For instance, for use-cases in supply chain, one can choose hyperledger fabric or hyperledger sawtooth (allows batch transactions). For a Decentralized public Blockchain with smart contracts, QuillHash chooses Ethereum, whereas for integrating smart contract in private consortium, forking of Ethereum is advised. Blockchain scaling might be the most important problem being solved in the field today, for this QuillHash Team is exploring Plasma (Off-chain) and Tendermint (Consensus Protocol).
QuillHash has set two major goals for future. One involves extending their family of skilled team of innovators, blockchain architects and domain experts enabling the company to further identify and solve major real world problems. Given the infancy stage of Blockchain in India, QuillHash aims to grow and evolve along with the technology, contribute in the growth of the overall blockchain ecosystem. The objective is to guide enterprises and educate governments about real use cases of blockchain and make blockchain a household technology in forthcoming years.