Now-a-days data has become more important than anything for business in the digital world. To store and share data, we are using different kinds of methods and implementing technologies in the digital world. While in those data storage and management the transaction details are more and more important than any data. To protect this data we needed a decentralized system, which is hack and cheat-proof, and allows checking name in transactions and other details. But this is limited to the network where transactions complete and can’t be shared to another network.
Blockchain means if somebody created a new currency we need to know whether they sent money or not and we need to know that who is using that. To trust the currency we needed the new database to manage the transactions. This technology is completely transparent and is widely adopted by all digital transaction providers.
Impossible to hack, cheat or to change, Blockchain technology for records the transaction information, and is a digital ledger system holding the transaction details that can be duplicated and can be distributed across a network. Each block contains transaction details of new and old. For every new transaction, it will automatically get added to the other participants' ledger. This decentralized database management system has multiple participants which are known as “Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)”.
Blockchain has a huge market globally and in India also. As per reports the global market witnessed a growth rate of USD 3.0billion in 2020. The projected growth in 2025 is a 39.7billion USD with a 63.7 percent CAGR. In India, the market value is quite good, where many companies claim that they are going to adopt or they adapted blockchain technology.
For that reason, our CioReviewIndia magazine team did research with the help of experts and veterans in that industry. We are publishing this issue about the "Top 20 Blockchain providers in India - 2021", to deliver information about blockchain technology.
We present to you CIOTechOutlook Top 20 Blockchain providers in India - 2021.
Company Name | Company Description |
teamOxio Technologies | With more than nine years of experience the company has faced numerous challenges both internally and with their client projects which gives them the competitive edge and confidence to handle... |
Company Name | Company Description |
Algorythmix Tech | The company provides high performance blockchain applications suited to every business needs. They understand that not one size fits all and every business has unique requirements and goals. |
Antier Solutions | Their experts follow design thinking-driven approach to identify blockchain use cases and create intelligent strategies around the same to accelerate your deployment. |
Chakravyua | It is a global services company founded in 2017, providing technology, business process management and consulting services like Information Technology. |
Flitpay | Houses solutions like Ticket Management, Operational Risk, Information Security Risk, Project Risk, Incident Management, Business Continuity, Enterprise Risk, Internal Audit, Compliance, and CRM. |
JK Technosoft | With innovation the company's core work involves business decision makers to adopt new age technology enabled solutions and exceed customer expectations. |
Kytics Technologies | They believe in progress through partnership thus help our clients to research, prepare and adapt to market changes and outperform competitors by providing quality cutting edge solutions at an... |
MainChain | The company works as an Independent Consultant and help the clients to build awareness and take informed decisions through their journey of "adapting to change" and staying relevant within their... |
My Zeal | Provides Software publishing, consultation which include production, supply and documentation of ready-made (non-customized) software, operating systems software, business & other applications... |
Mysearch Global Rewards | The company is comprising of vibrant youngsters excelled in ICT, having an indomitable desire and spirit in updating with the day to day Technologies emerging in the entire spectrum. |
Nonceblox | Creates solutions on Ethereum, Bitcoin, Hyperledger, Quorum, Corda, Lisk, NEO and NEM. Our accomplished team of blockchain architects, consultants, business SMEs and ICO advisers harbor the... |
QzIP | Blockchain technology solution provider and providing security to intellectual property and helping in implementation of Agriculture Supply Chain |
Social Ninjaz | Provides innovative and effective integrated brand marketing and technology solutions which helps people to fetch business and achieve their goals of growth and expansion. |
SquadX | A builder of blockchain services that extend far beyond financial sector service. |
Statwig | A SaaS startup focused to solve the problem of global wastage in vaccines and food caused due to the inefficiencies in Supply Chain. |
Techkopra | A leading IT Services provider company that offers multifaceted services to its clients including competitive web and mobile app development, Web Development, website Development, E-Commerce Web... |
Technogiq IT Solutions | Offers custom software solutions, data-driven marketing, and Cloud-based services on related challenges to the need for all types of startups as well as blue-chip companies to grow their business. |
ThinkSmart | From AI-driven platforms to Chatbots with revolutionised user-experience, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning play an important role in every aspect of businesses. Their range of services... |
Upsteer Tek Solutions | The work the company accomplishing for industry players is characterizing it. To every project, they bring a combination of industry knowledge, unique company culture and some of the best technical... |
Voltuswave | Develops strategic Solutions for Enterprises Globally through its Software Product platform. VoltusWave's Solutions streamline critical business operations, connect enterprises to their customers... |