When it comes to security, mobile devices are the prime targets waiting to be contravened by impending vulnerabilities. Mobile devices often call up additional protection because their utilization generally places them at higher exposure to threats. Even after knowing the litany of threats hovering around mobile devices, organizations consider mobile devices to form a crucial part for their success and have incurred significant expenditure to make the most out of mobile technology. In parallel, employees are increasingly using mobile technology without appropriate policy framework, procedures, and management strategies. Even though there are many niche security solutions providers who are deploying robust solutions to secure mobile devices, these vendors at times fail to cope with a huge set security end points when following strict standards, security policies and threat protection mechanism in a heterogeneous mobile landscape. However, Purple Cube Technologies, headquartered in Chennai, Tamil Nadu has clutched a differentiated approach to handle the security predicaments associated with the usage of mobile technology.
Purple gives equal importance on the protection of internal network with 360 degree security technology and standards to overrule threats within the network
The company has prepared itself in such a way that it never wanes amidst the jeopardy surrounding BYOD revolution. "We strongly believe once the policy framework is in place the security technologies like mobile device management, wireless security for and by mobile devices, encryption and BYOD, will fall in place", says R Ramalingam, Creator at Purple Cube Technologies. The company is not just agile in providing security solutions but similarly defines strategies and incorporates security technologies into vast and robust mobile devices, thus mitigating the risks as per defined policy. Besides, ensuring that mobiles devices are configured in accordance with organizations policies; Purple gives equal importance on the protection of internal network with 360 degree security technology and standards to overrule threats within the network.
CIOs are consistently feeling the pressure of protecting the data flowing within their organization. Information exchanged in dispersed and heterogeneous IT environment puts organizations' technology, processes and people under the bane of breach. Purple is indeed the silver bullet for these organizations and comes to their rescue by helping them to regain control over security with its Information security solutions and consultancy. "We continuously develop deep knowledge on the trending technologies to give pick of the solutions to our customers depending on their current needs on a consultative approach by understanding their current infrastructure", explains Ramalingam.
Next to Information security solutions and consultancy, Purple has rolled out Incident management services to allow see-through view of infringements with the help of human intelligence. Built on a robust big data platform, these services allow quick development of log event information in real time, thus proffering intuitive dashboard based incident reports to the analysts. Running across multiple models and devices, Purple's incident management services has an in-house set up model for organizations that are reluctant to allow their logs to flow out.
While cyber criminals continue to evolve and develop sophisticated means to strike the victims, organizations who have embraced Purple's security services and solutions remain in safe hands as Purple tries to wear different hats before contriving strategies to mitigate latest threats. With a vision to adopt innovative technologies tailored to the business requirement and ensure scalability and investment protection, Purple intends to become one of the most trusted partners in the realm of IT security.