Distributed Denial of Service attacks have grown exponentially in terms of complexity, size and also the frequency. While peak attack size have grown 70 fold in a decade, the frequency of complex DDoS attacks have increased manifold.
Furthermore, the methods used to launch DDoS attacks have evolved to be more effective on two completely different vectors: massive scale volumetric attacks and difficult to detect application layer attacks requiring minimal resources. These advancements in DDoS attack technologies challenge conventional and basic DDoS mitigation procedures. Consequently, demand for purpose-built DDoS mitigation solutions has grown rapidly. Headquartered in Massachusetts, USA, with an India sales & support operations in Bangalore, Arbor Networks offers a broad DDoS mitigation portfolio. "Arbor's customers enjoy a considerable competitive advantage by receiving a micro view of the network combined with a macro view of global Internet traffic; this is a powerful combination of network security intelligence that is unrivalled today", exclaims Samuel Sathyajith, Country Manager - India & SAARC, Arbor Networks.
Volumetric DDoS attacks combining with Application layer DDoS attacks targeting the application servers or state exhaustion attacks bringing down stateful devices like Firewalls, IPSs would render the Datacenter unavailable. Pertaining to this evolution, Arbor renders a portfolio of DDoS protection products and services that are designed to meet the multi-dimensional needs of any organization operating online today. The Integrated multi-layered DDoS protection with On-premise & Cloud combined with actionable threat intelligence feed from Active Threat Level Analysis System (ATLAS) & Arbor's Security Engineering & Research Team (ASERT), thwarts complex DDoS attacks. The portfolio offers complete deployment of network wide & scale and pricing flexibility through a mix of managed services, in-cloud, and on-premise & virtualized solutions for all types of customers from Enterprise to service providers.
Find & Hunt down hidden Advanced Threats
Arbor Spectrum delivers a new approach to incident response with a purpose-built platform. By combining the analysis and archive of both packet and flow data, Arbor Spectrum enables security teams with unique insights into the business, allowing threats and suspicious behaviors to be investigated within the enterprise network.
Arbor renders a portfolio of DDoS protection products and services that are designed to meet the multi-dimensional needs of any organization operating online today
Advanced malware is no longer the most dangerous enemy in the world of advanced threats. It's the attack campaign: human orchestrated series of hidden events engineered to create chaos. By merging global and actionable threat intelligence with enterprises own threat data and traffic patterns, Arbor Spectrum through visual analytics interface, enables the analysts to investigate, find & hunt the complex hidden attacks and threat campaigns.
What separates Arbor from other vendors is how Arbor leverages their pervasive service provider footprint across the globe to benefit all the customers. ATLAS is a collaborative project with more than 330+ customers who have agreed to share anonymous traffic data with Arbor, approximately one-third of all Internet traffic. From this unique vantage point, Arbor can deliver threat intelligence about attacks that are taking place in real time.
ATLAS Intelligence is integrated with all Arbor products "“ Spectrum, APS, SP/ TMS and arms users with policies and countermeasures that enable them to quickly address attacks as part of an advanced threat. ATLAS Intelligence and the Arbor Security Engineering and Response Team (ASERT) enables customers to directly benefit from the depth and breadth of Arbor's research expertise capability.