Shekhar Sharma
Enterprises are increasingly realizing the severity that malware threats pose to their infrastructure and overall business. To detect and block the malware traffic, companies have taken precautions through firewalls, intrusion
prevention system, and they have also deployed anti-viruses at place. However, these measures have proved to be insufficient in securing the businesses against cyber threats. One of the most important aspects of cyber security that companies easily overlook is DNS Queries. DNS, being allowed to float freely through networks are the least regulated; attackers have found it very convenient to exploit it to their benefit without getting caught. To address this challenge in cyber security segment, iSecureNet an advanced cyber defense player, has specifically positioned itself extending its threat intelligence to DNS based protection through its product, DNS Advance Malware Trap. The product, DNS AMTrap has successfully detected huge threats like cryptominer or crypto jacking attacks. "Through our product, DNS AMTrap, we have been able to challenge new viruses and threats which are coming in the market," says Manish Rane, Director of the company.
Deception Technology behind the Product
The deception technology of the product mangles the request of the malware to connect to the CNC server. DNS AMTrap deceives the malware to connect with the forensic machine and delivers the fake payload. "The shift from the defensive approach to think from the attacker's perspective has helped us provide faster solution," emphasizes Manish. The available data, after the deployment of the technology, suggests the product has 97 percent success rate in detecting malware threats.'
Also, the company has converted its product, DNS AMTrap into an
analytical engine wherein the product helps companies ingest logs from windows server, multiple application server, firewall, and router, which can be used to analyze threats. Now, the businesses don't have to incur extra expenses on SIEM technology to get real-time analysis of security alerts. It is already available with DNS AMTrap.
" Through our product, DNS AMTrap, we have been able to challenge new viruses and threats which are coming in the market "
Competitive Edge with International CERT Teams
Currently, the company is working with around 800 security OEMs and with 16+ Computer Emergency Response Team across the world. These CERT Teams belong to different countries like CERT UK, CERT Brazil, CERT Luxembourg, and Department of Homeland Security US. The diverse experience gained from distinct teams has helped the company gain a competitive edge in the market. Sharing an anecdote, Manish tells us about the threat being posed by Wannacry malware, which targeted UK NHS. iSecureNet's association with CERT UK helped the company get the threat intelligence feed immediately. The company got the signature via the platform and converted that into machine readable language and used it in its solution. And thus, iSecureNet was ready with the patches and solution for the Wannacry malware even before it touched APAC region.
Manish Rane
iSecureNet aims to be one of the best cyber defense players in the world. For its future prospects, it looks forward to cater to the needs of businesses in threat intelligence domain with its extensive malware research program.