Thomas Phillips, CTO
One of the biggest cybersecurity problems today is that enormous amount of money is spent on attempts to secure and defend complex networks which, perversely, actually increase the burden on security professionals within the organization. In spite of taking layered security measures, any(in fact all)networks at some point get infiltrated by unauthorized intruders. Since existing intrusion detection systems have proven to be ineffectual at detecting sophisticated intruders in realtime, organizations are looking for cybersecurity solution providers who can help them solve this critical issue.
Catering to these needs,Baltimore headquartered Ridgeback devised its Automatic Intrusion Expulsion System, which takes a proactive approach to network security with, first, a failsafe means of identifying potential threats and, second, eliminating them in real time. Ridgeback's system creates a web of illusion, a network appearing to comprise billions of available IT resources hardware, services, network resources etc., called phantoms, as a response to unauthorized movement in the network. In other words, Ridgeback acts as an all- encompassing network immune system made up of a practically infinite number of Ridgeback "˜antibodies', each one looking and behaving like a legitimate network resource so that the attack surface appears exponentially large and confusing to an intruder. When an intruder interacts with a Ridgeback antibody, it erupts into action, counter - engaging the intruder and expelling it in real time.
Ridgeback does what others cannot it senses an attack at the reconnaissance stage and extinguishes malicious lateral movement in real time and automatically. As an added benefit, Ridgeback does not require any reconfiguration of existing networks nor does it create any network latency or bandwidth constraints. Once Ridgeback software is deployed,
the Ridgeback antibodies need no regular management or maintenance.
Easy to Deploy, Industry Agnostic System
A mid-sized bank with a number of branches across the country was concerned about malicious attacks in their network despite having various security tools in place at the periphery and endpoint level. They discovered that they needed to stop lateral movement inside their network, which is when they approached Ridgeback to help them solve the issue. The Ridge back team deployed Ridgeback software immediately in the bank which provided extraordinary details about network communications, and traffic patterns inside their network. Through this, the Bank could immediately find anomalies in the network in real time and take immediate corrective action to safeguard their data.
"Our ultimate vision isto create a highly distributed, collaborative immune system for networks where all assets will be protected aggressively by intelligent, self-aware, autonomous agents"
Ridgeback is easy to deploy, industry agnostic, and does not require heavy infrastructure or specific technical skill sets to operate. It has unique and highly sought after features providing situational awareness of network operations, an infinite attack surface, zero false positives, and, of course, antibody immunity.
The Ridgeback team comprises leaders who have spent more than thirty years in hacking - both offensive and defensive and worked on projects for the DoDand the U.S. Intelligence community. Ridgeback Network Defense Inc. has points of presence in the EMEA(London and Paris) and APAC (India)region as well as in the United States. The Ridgeback product has proven its effectiveness across geographies and verticals including manufacturing, banking, state and federal agencies, hospitality, finance, and insurance.
"Our ultimate vision is to create a highly distributed, collaborative immune system for networks where all assets will be protected aggressively by intelligent, selfaware, autonomous agents,"affirms Thomas Phillips, CTO, Ridgeback. Ridgeback is also planning to augment the Ridgeback Policy Engine(RPE) with AI integration to describe security policies and options for their enforcement.