Akhil Rapelli, CTO
As online attacks and data thefts proliferate, organizations are increasingly on the lookout for cyber security solutions and services that can help them better securetheir IT Infrastructure and assets. However, building enterprise-wide cyber security is no easy task as organizations are confronted with the emergence of more sophisticated attacks, zero-day attacks, budgetary constraints, tighter regulations and ransomware evolution, which prevent them from implementing security measures more effectively. Perfectly understanding these challenges and endeavoring to address them, Glenroy headquartered SwiftSafe steps forward as a Cyber Security Company that specializes in securing the IT infrastructure and assets with Security Consulting, Auditing and Testing Services.
Founded in 2016 by a group of security professionals with the sole objective of creating a secure digital world, SwiftSafe provides cyber security solutions along with expert guidance and value-added services, to help organizations better run their IT Security initiatives. Focusing extensively on detecting vulnerabilities and data breaches and countering them with incident response, the company's dedicated cyber security team evaluates the organization's existing IT Infrastructure and develops defensive strategies to protect them, with best practices that are customized according to the client's data security needs.“SwiftSafe combines its deep industry knowledge and research skills to identify new vulnerabilities and secure client’s IT Infras from both cyber-attacks as well as ransomware and business logic vulnerabilities,”affirms Akhil Rapelli,CTO.
The company's expansive portfolio of offerings includes Penetration
Testing-Web, Mobile & Cloud Application Penetration Testing, Network, VoIP and IoT Penetration testing, Compliance (PCI DSS,ISO27001 & HIPAA security audits), cloud security scanner, Incident Response, Data and Application Security, SIEM and SOC Services. SwiftSafe’s real-time Cloud Security scanner with beta version explores the possibilities to breach a given network, web application or infrastructure by scanning the target daily; it monitors the company’s assets 24/7to provide security from all types of attacks. This scanner analyzes the infrastructures for any loopholes and reports it before it gets threatened by an outsider.
When it comes to penetration testing, SwiftSafe emphasizes on Manual Security Testing as the company believes this method to be ideal in testing business logic vulnerabilities, while also avoiding false positives which are common with automated tools. SwiftSafe’s well-trained cyber security technocrats assist in overall risk assessment and also help in determining the vulnerabilities which can be exploited by unauthorized attackers, thus stopping intrusions at a very early stage. The reports generated not only highlight the current vulnerabilities but also give recommendations on how to fix them. SwiftSafe also employs business logic test cases to identify the possible vulnerabilities from an attackers’ perspective in accordance with OWASP(Open Web Application Security Project)standards. The SwiftSafe team also ensures that the software being built for its client is secure by conducting risk assessments in each stage of the Software Development Life cycle. SwiftSafe also provides suggestions for ongoing support tobusiness critical applications as application security testing is not just a one time activity but an ongoing process.
Having delivered an all-inclusive suite of cybersecurity services to a widespread client base over the last few years,SwiftSafe has carved a niche for itself in this domain. Currently, its R&D team is researching on new cyber threats, malware, and developing new tools which identify advanced level cyber threats that are incorporated with Artificial intelligence and Machine learning technologies. SwiftSafe is also assisting in cyber forensics services and has collaborated with multiple cyber forensic companies and government agencies to develop new advance forensic tools for them. It is also planning to engage with large scale enterprises in future.