No organization is immune to crisis and there is no denying the fact that one fateful event can completely destroy the hard earned brand reputation and its public perception in the age of social media. So, it becomes imperative and prudent on the part of businesses to inculcate crisis response capabilities through preemptive measures. However, some of the crises like sexual harassment cases can be even more complicated and can create dilemma for the crisis management team; any injudicious action on the part of the management can result in severe public flak, backlash, and lawsuits, or may even result in the complete shutdown of the organization.
The law for Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace, 2013 requires every entity having more than 10 employees, irrespective of its nature and scale of operations to comply with the regulatory requirements of the law. Failure of compliance can result in several penalties (50k) for the employer which might get doubled for a repeated offender; it might even lead to the cancellation of business license by the Govt.
Safeguarding Brand Name with the Regulatory Compliance on Prevention of Sexual Harassment
Giving due consideration to this matter, Zykoon Technologies is empowering businesses to safeguard their interest by making it easier for the employers to implement and adhere to the mandates of SHWW Act, 2013. The company is providing the first ever robust regulatory solution, Vishaka as a digital platform to adequately address step-by-step compliances for the cases of sexual misconduct at workplace. The product empowers businesses to gain full access of the data pertaining to the cases without the risk of exposing it to third party. It ensures that businesses take adequate and timely actions before the situation turns into a crisis for the company. Vishaka, a subscription based cloud solution is helping companies to implement the system and manage all its workflows for grievance redressal in sexual harassment cases. The platform helps in ICC setup, educating the workforce on code of ethics and professional conduct with women.
It also generates awareness about the various scenarios of what constitutes and doesn’t constitute as a sexual harassment case, thus safeguarding business from involving in things which are not within the purview of the Act. A free trial can be done at www.vishaka.org.
The company is providing the first ever robust regulatory solution, Vishaka as a digital platform to adequately address step-by-step compliances for the cases of sexual misconduct at workplace
Ensuring Premise Safety for Workplace with Productivity Enabler Along with safeguarding businesses against the internal crisis, Zykoon Technologies also provides a robust system empowering management with authentic and timely information of on-premise visitors. A digital solution for visitor management: Arrivd helps businesses create a safe working culture for its employees against potential maladies by intruders, enhancing the workplace safety. The visitor management product which enforces to collect all the accurate information from the visitors and through its automation process directly communicates the same to the host, creating a seamless digital experience for the visitor as well. Arrivd also offers multiple other modules helping HR department to track employee attendance through face recognition or QR code and their activities without infringing their privacy. The product helps companies cut down on their liabilities by taking corrective actions based on the productivity reports generated by Arrivd on multiple facets of workforce analytics. A free trial is available at www.arrivd.io.
The two of the solutions proffered by the company holds prominence for every business irrespective of its size and scale of operations across all segments, believes Rohit Arora, Founder of Zykoon Technologies.