Npedia Technologies: Enhancing Business Efficiency with Cost-effective XaaS Model
Npedia Technologies: Enhancing Business Efficiency with Cost-effective XaaS Model
Adapting to rapid changes in the digital landscape, modern day enterprises began to consider a shift from CapEx to OpEx to harness the immense potential of the Cloud. The evolution of the concept of XaaS has enabled businesses to consume any kind of technology services on-demand, leaving an everlasting impact on the businesses operations with affordable solutions. As XaaS has become an integral part of the digital transformation strategy, businesses are looking for a vendor who can help them plan a digital transformation roadmap that is in line with current digital trends. This is where Npedia Technologies positioned itself in the industry helping companies in their digital transformation journey. "We adopt as-a-service (XaaS) model to work with our clients at their pace and budget and to align with their vision. Our as-a-service model allows businesses to pay for only what they consume and enables us to deliver customer-centric services as per specific business requirements of our clients," says Vijay Vaidyanathan, CEO.
Flexible Solutions to Suit Business Requirements
Digital transformation in its real sense is not merely the adoption of digital technologies, but it demands change in leadership, innovation and subtle use of technology to improve the overall business efficiency. Npedia Technologies' CIO-as-a-Service model, in which the company's team of experts engage in planning and rolling out of digital initiatives, enables enterprises to reduce system downtimes and handle business risks effectively. With its CTO-as-a-Service model, Npedia Technologies helps start-ups acquire the right skills, validate the scope for project
management and work with tech leads to deliver the correct product with value addition product development practices and guidelines. The company's as-a-service models allow customers to pick a package of solutions and services which suits their unique style of functioning, budgets, team culture and business goals to enable their success.
We adopt as-a-service (XaaS) model to work with our clients at their pace and budget and to align with their vision
Strategic Consulting in Data Sciences and Machine Learning
As the amount of information available online is growing rapidly, leveraging the massive amount of data to get actionable insights has become a real challenge for businesses. Npedia Technologies provides strategic consulting and implementation services in the areas of Data Sciences, Machine Learning and Voice enabled technologies helping companies efficiently manage the data through natural language processing applications. The company also provides Technology Due Diligence services for assessments of code quality, project management, people and roles, architecture, data compliance and security. "We helped a mid-tier investment bank in their push for digital retail brokerage. We have provided data-as-a-service solutions to a Fin Tech Platform as a service company helping them in revenue growth and customer adoption. We assist clients in the identification of key hardware, software and other IT infrastructure that are in line with the digital transformation trends and that can complement the transformation to sustain the current operative goals while keeping the future in mind," informs Vijay Vaidyanathan, CEO.
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