One of the biggest assets of most new-age successful co-mpanies is digital content. Therefore, preserving it not only involves backing up the desired content but also car-ing for and maintaining the storage media upon which the data is stored. Digital pr-eservation is essential to en-sure so that data is not only kept alive for long periods of time but also accessible and retrievable in the future irrespective of changes in technology
“While the most important expectation of the client is to ensure seamless transfer or workflow of the existing system to the new digital platform, their biggest fear is the disruption or loss of data and ensuring business continuity. Although there are numerous benefits of digitization, the flip side is data security, hacking, data manipulation, data loss, data resilience, and data retrievability in the future. Therefore, overcoming the challenges is very important for the continuity and survival of any business”, says Ravish Mehra, CEO, Piql India.
Perfectly understanding the aforementioned challenges, Piql – a Norwegian company uniquely positioned in the long-term digital data storage and digital preservation landscape has come out with a unique and very robust data storage solution. This solution is immutable, selfcontained, unalterable, migration-free, flexible, completely searchable, and has proven longevity of over 1000 years.
'Bits on Film' Technology
The companyhas developed the 'Bits on Film' technology by which data can be digitally stored on Piql film. PIQL technology allows digital data to be preserved safely and efficiently and easily retrievable independent of future access to specific technologies or vendors. It uses highresolution Photosensitive film as a digital storage medium. Data is written to Piqlfilm as large QRcodes.
New Generation Ultrahigh Resolution Nanotechnology Film
Through its extensive R&D, Piql has developed the traditional microfilm into a new generation ultra-high-resolution nanotechnology film named Piql Film, suitable for the storage of digital data in the form of the original bits and bytes, which has become a digital storage medium.
From a client perspective, the Piql workflow resembles cloud storage as it is fully IT integrated. The difference is that the clients can rest assured that their data is ultra-secure and readable at any point in the future with zero maintenance.
A Well-recognized Initiative to Preserve Global Memory
Piql’sArtic World Archive (AWA) is a well-recognized initiative of the company to preserve global memory. Established in 2017, AWA holds an impressive collection of valuable digital artefacts and irreplaceable information from around the world, with over 15 contributing nations.

AWA is set deep inside an artic mountain on the Svalbard archipelago. The combination of resilient long-term storage technology and the remote, safe and cold conditions found on Svalbard enables data to live on into the distant future.
We are the only company in the world which can store digital data including videos, audio, softwares, databases and others, apart from traditional analogue images on Piql film
Award-winning technology
“We are the only company in the world that can save digital data on Piqlfilm. Any type of data that includes audio, video, databases, software, etc. can be stored on film. We can store the software associated with the data along with the source code of the program on the film in human-readable form. Therefore, anytime in the future the holder of the film gets access to x-ray shot of the data and the software’s use and integrate with any existing technology at that time”, affirms Ravish
“We have the capability to provide a hybrid solution and store analog and digital data on one medium. We also have the storage memory vaults where data can be stored for thousands of years”, he concludes.