Lavelle Networks - Leveraging Better WAN Connectivity for Accelerated Mission-critical Application D
Lavelle Networks - Leveraging Better WAN Connectivity for Accelerated Mission-critical Application D
The Wide Area Network (WAN) industry has be¬gun trending and shaping the Software Defined Network (SDN) sector. India is witnessing a radical shift in the WAN market with users accessing cloud hosted applications via mobile devices. But as we brace ourselves for this change, one needs to over¬come the bottlenecks encountered. In today's world of complex application consumption, the WAN is starved of intelligence, control and agility. For instance, businesses are facing issues in transferring data across branch offices due to high complexity in branch deployments and architectural impediments in traditional WAN circles. Despite SDN platforms being built and sold, customers continually complain about networking to the cloud and in the WAN. Lavelle Networks, founded in Bangalore, provides a cloud hosted SDN platform that facilitates a host of diverse WAN features, designed for optimal control and bandwidth efficiency of the WAN. It offers a unique data plane architecture that scales well from 100Mbps to 1Gbps of networking performance, a centralized WAN controller in the cloud, making cloud networks like AWS & Azure look like an enterprise branch. This innovation is delivered by Lavelle Networks at yesterday's cost with the sole purpose to empower enterprises in India to embrace the digital future, leveraging SDN.
Incepted two years ago, the team with their deep industry experience in enterprise networking was inspired to bring forth their brainchild Lavelle Networks to contribute towards the provision of unshackled innovation to their customers. The company's specialities lie in SDN, SD-WAN and Cloud Networking. While enterprises are rap¬idly moving to the cloud, most of them are unhappy with their networking experience post cloud migration.
This is because the migration is driven by efficiencies for compute and storage, and networking becomes an afterthought. The solution offered by Lavelle Networks is engineered with the exclusive capability of using the cloud to extend the enterprise network footprint beyond the premise locations. "This flexible cloud based architecture enables the enterprise to deliver the WAN where the users are located and not the other way around," reveals Shyamal Kumar, CEO, Lavelle Networks.
Lavelle Networks provides a cloud hosted SDN platform that facilitates a host of diverse WAN features, designed for optimal control and bandwidth efficiency of the WAN
Future of the Company Mapped Out
Enthralled with their progress in the enterprise net¬working sector and with a knack at solving imminent challenges, Lavelle Networks intends to continue their focus on WAN, launching a full suite of hard¬ware and software services by this year. Five years from now, the company envisions them¬selves with the ability to proffer network infrastructure on tap, like compute and storage today. "We have also be¬gun work to combine enterprise Wi-Fi and Cloud Security Gateways on our platform, and enable customers to deliver an end-to-end network pipe from the wireless access point to the application in the cloud using the pay-as-you-grow business models," delineates Shyamal. Lavelle Networks will continue to develop a family of SDN platforms for network security, virtualization and cloud, gaining recognition in global markets.
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