The evolution of technology has significantly complicated the process of securing enterprise networks and sensitive data. Practices such as Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD), social media, smartphones, virtualization, and cloud services have increased the exposure of vulnerabilities to threats. The major drivers for growth in information security market include increasing volumes of critical data, adoption of cloud based apps, increasing instances of security breaches, constant threat of attacks and outdated cyber defence systems in an organization. Organisations remain unclear about what kinds of threats warrant the greatest concern and action, how they would be affected if particular kinds of attacks occurred, what marketplace conditions would follow particular kinds of attacks. Offering cutting-edge technology solutions to reduce business risks, protect data and achieve business objectives is ACPL.
With 24X7 operations and proven methodologies, ACPL helps its customers to mitigate the risks and increase operational efficiency. "We at ACPL understand security to its core. We use a 360 degree approach which includes Identify, Analyse, Action, Monitor and Control Phases which helps enterprises to strengthen their security framework and mitigate the cyber risks," states Vishal Bindra, Founder and CEO, ACPL Systems. Founded in 1990, ACPL was the developer of first Indian anti-virus "Smartdog" and now has emerged as trusted vendor in the domain of security over the years. ACPL has earned the respect in the industry, customers and vendors consider ACPL to be an organisation with high level of skills and commitment toward its customers.
ACPL offers a wide range of services for information security, information availability and networking. Some of their core services include data classification consulting services, security audits, risk assessment, vulnerability assessment, penetration testing, managed security services. For information security they provide services like system security, data security, mobile security, email security, web security, database security and more.
ACPL helps its customers to mitigate the risks and increase operational efficiency
ACPL understands that true security needs to be fortified with continuous testing and monitoring. Security touches every layer of a network infrastructure and requires a holistic defence strategy that aligns people, processes and technology. "We work with our customers to identify weak spots in their network and design a custom security solution to aptly fit the needs of their organization. We use depth and breadth of experience to ensure that our customers remain secure. We work closely to develop a practical and efficient framework to help achieve the right balance between risk and efficiency for your business," affirms Vishal.
ACPL is continuously working toward developing information security solutions which are going to secure customer's critical infrastructure and data. Working on this vision, ACPL has developed an innovative solution, Klassify (www.klassify.in). Klassify helps organisations to strengthen their data security by helping them classify their data.