SonicWall: Exposing Cyber Threats that Target Global Enterprises, SMBs and Governments

CIO Vendor Given the rapid advancement and engagement of AI as functionality, organizations today are leaving no stone unturned to deploy AI in their work process across departments. While the quest to marry efficiency with accuracy by leveraging AI is palatable, the flip side is that Organizations tend to pay attention only to the hardware of the system but seldom consider a robust and a rigid firewall security as an essential part of their system's infrastructure.

It is to bridge this yawning gap between hardware efficiency and infrastructure security, that SonicWall was established in 1991. Headquartered in California, SonicWall offers a bird eye view for cyber security by identifying and responding to cyber threats on a realtime basis.

With its realtime breach detection, SonicWall enables SMB's, SME'S and large organizations to detect any kind of breach on premises. The company also avails a firewall that can be deployed as software in a virtual appliance to their respective system.

Breaches have risen exponentially, leading the cyber security regulatory board to keep revising new laws and guidance for cyberattacks. SonicWall's recently released Annual Cyber Threat Report, 2019 was obtained after screening their network's 1 million sensors set all over the globe. The report states that while there has been a reduction in ransomware attacks by 49 percent the malware attacks rose by 53 percent. The rise of such unprecedent cyber threats calls for realtime monitoring of events, user activities, application control, data usage, compliance, audit reporting, and many more. Here is where SonicWall realized the need to stay heavily invested in its R & D giving an edge over other security providers. The result was a patent pending solution called RTDMI RealTime Deep Memory Inspection. To discover packed malware code that has been compressed to avoid detection, the RTDMI engine allows the malware to reveal itself by unpacking its compressed code in memory in a secure sandbox environment. It sees what code sequences are found within and compares it to what it has already seen.
Identifying malicious code in memory is more precise than trying to differentiate between malware system behavior and clean program system behavior, which is an approach used by some other analysis techniques.

SonicWall offers a bird-eye view for cyber security by identifying and responding to cyber-threats on a real-time basis

Besides being highly accurate, RTDMI also improves sample analysis time. Since it can detect malicious code or data in memory in realtime during execution, no malicious system behavior is necessary for detection. The presence of malicious code can be identified prior to any malicious behavior taking place, thereby rendering a quicker verdict.

Decisively Researching and Developing Cyber Security Solutions
SonicWall rigorously finds invisible hacktivist and prevents damages to personal and professional data. For the past 25 years, SonicWall has been providing cyber security solutions across 215 countries globally for more than 500,000 businesses. SonicWall has introduced 54 new products by writing 1.6 million lines of new coding language, which is a key differentiator in the cyber security industry. It has introduced new products like Capture Cloud platform, Zero Touch, Advance Threat Protection and Real Time Deep Memory Inspection securing data from the start end point till the cloud. SonicWall secures client projects by encrypted traffic and device control with Machine Learning based signature less security. The cloud manages access points with secured connectivity within the LAN and is configured with Advanced Threat Protection Capability.

As security cannot be compromised, SonicWall's remote access solution permits access only to the devices that are totally compliant with organization's privacy policies and updated patches. The cloud access security ensures data is safe on the cloud irrespective of any abnormal activity from any unknown user account that can take over the system. By combining every analytics report from the management platform, it gives a blueprint of what is actually going on in the network. This is because, for SonicWall, the goal is to ensure protection irrespective of any location of the user and that of the end user.