Local Search Engines Like Finndit Are A Great Source To Scale Your Small And Mid Sized Business

CIOReviewIndia Team | Saturday, 26 February 2022, 10:56 IST

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The foundation of any sound business, in the beginning, determines the scalability it is likely to achieve in the future. The common denominator among the biggest companies in India or globally is the vision for expansion and touch as many new customers as possible. This business mantra holds true irrespective of the type of products a company sells or the geographical location of the company. Local search engines like Finndit form the initial steps of small and medium-sized businesses (MSMEs) to set up for a full-fledged expansion with time. 

Operations of MSMEs 

The small and medium-sized businesses include the local businesses and upcoming startups that wish to take on the arduous journey of entrepreneurship. These are mostly operational in small areas and regions. The customer base is built on word of mouth or very small scale advertisements in local newspapers, magazines, etc. Such companies understand the demand and functioning of the business on the grassroots level. But when it comes to scaling up, most businesses end up shutting down. 

The process of expansion is arguably the most challenging aspect of the business. People generally become over-ambitious at the proposition of massive revenues and dont take the process seriously enough. This is where external aid in the form of angel investors or professional digital marketing comes into the picture. These are the modern tools that act like kerosene on fire to drive the growth of any company through the roof with proper guidance and expertise. 

Local Search Engines - Finndit

The first step to attempt to grow any local business starts with establishing or enhancing the web presence. Finndit is Indias fastest growing platform that is home to over 2.5 lakhs of business listings already. This number is surging rapidly. What it does is that it gives MSMEs the opportunity to showcase their products on its platform in a bid to fetch new customers. 

Now, small and medium business establishments dont have exorbitant amounts of revenue to spend heavily on digital marketing. Hence, modern customers, who look for any company or product online these days, are not aware of such brands. Finndit solves this issue by listing the products and services of your business on its platform with a large user base. The potential customers are exposed to new companies and their products or services. 

This translates into massive revenues and profits in a quick duration which would not have been possible otherwise. The businesses and companies listed on the Finndit platform are testaments to this method of business expansion who have seen it happen first-hand. 

How Does Finndit Boost Businesses?

Finndit offers the feature of listing your business on its platform which has a professional outlook and ecosystem. Additionally, it offers auxiliary services like mini-website, photoshoots, digital brochures & flyers, video shoots, digital marketing and PR along with verified listing at nominal fees. Affordability is the differentiator for MSMEs that proves to be a significant aspect in scaling small businesses. The MSMEs dont need to shell out an inordinate amount of money to advertise their products digitally. Finndit has boosted a ton of businesses turning these small-scale ventures into national brands. You could also join this wave and benefit from it immensely.