ETP International - Getting it Right in Retail with Stable, Sustainable and Scalable Innovations
ETP International - Getting it Right in Retail with Stable, Sustainable and Scalable Innovations
One of the persistent issues retailers face is in finding a solution that addresses their business pain points and yet has the capability to constantly evolve and keep up with the fast changing technologically savvy consumer. Most often the demands of management and supply chain systems do not synchronize to ensure that retailers can get their merchandise strategy to work. Lacking the necessary planning systems and tight integration most solutions are bound to over-complicate and under-deliver. With over 25 years of domain expertise, ETP's retail solutions are considered the Gold Standard of the industry. The company takes pride in delivering scalable, adaptable and configurable solutions to suit various retail segments irrespective of size and budget constraints. As an enterprise technology partner, ETP helps retailers achieve the "˜RIGHTS OF RETAIL'. This further aids in implementing the right business practices to optimize resources and in taking the right decisions to enhance profitability.
Nurturing partnerships for a successful future
ETP solutions include a wide spectrum of customer requirements, streamlining business intelligence and increasing organizational efficiency with a focus on qualitative and ROI. All solutions are updated online, saving operational costs further. EIG (ETP Implementation Guide) consists of industry renowned best practices for project implementations. It ensures the right resource allocations with a tight control over timelines and quality. "With each partnership, ETP plays the part of a business partner who analyzes the business scope and potential, the current operations and their complexities, future road map and the other changes desired by the organization which align with the organization vision", says Naresh Ahuja, Chairman & CEO, ETP.
Furthermore, ETP's solutions are flexible, stable and sustainable for future growth across time-zones. Add to that the inherent capability of each module to be deployed comprehensively or modularly, in premise or on the cloud, on virtually platforms. This saves the customer from writing off previous IT investments and allows them to integrate with ETP solutions to bolster them further.
ETP takes pride in delivering scalable, adaptable and configurable solutions to suit various retail segments irrespective of size and budget constraints
The company ensures that passion and quality remain high across its projects, products and people. ETP's R&D division grows 40% annually with more than 25% of the revenue being invested in the same. The company also runs a COE (Centre of Excellence) in retail that studies the latest trends in consumer behavior, technology and Omni-channel retail, this gives direction to the R&D division for future innovation and its customers for their projects.
ETP has a leadership position in India and ASEAN markets which are rich in cultural diversity and growth. After establishing itself in this multi-cultural and infrastructural challenging territory, it is now pushing strongly into North Asia and the Middle East. The company aims to achieve a leadership position in U.S.A and Europe, becoming the no. 1 retail solutions company in the world by the year 2020.
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