Regardless of the number of benefits a company gets from ERP applications, there are a lot of challenges and bottlenecks surrounding ERP solutions. Lack of visibility and flexibility in reporting of data from ERP solutions affects the decision making process of every business. In addition, there is very little opportunity to customize or optimize the user experience with ERP solutions. At times, ERP is unable to execute processes to meet business needs appropriately and meet statutory requirements which is considered to be very crucial while implementing ERP. With over fifteen years of experience in implementing and supporting business solutions, Unisoft Infotech, headquartered in Bangalore, believes in innovation and provides state-of-the-art enterprise solutions that fully support all business functions such as finance, production, distribution, sales and marketing, procurement and human resources.
Unisoft relies on innovation as the differentiator and key to success and business growth. Generic IT services continue to face challenges within many user organizations because of lower value, slower delivery and higher software cost. Unisoft Infotech, instead of vending generic IT services, focuses on providing industry-specific, pre-configured solutions with the state-of-the art technologies and platforms such as SAP and Infor.
Founded in 1996, the company rolls out its scalable and value-for-money solutions in consumer products industry, industrial machinery & component manufacturing, engineering & construction and professional services sectors. "We focus on productizing our industry and technology knowledge and deliver them to customers as an out-of-the-box solution rather than sell consulting services", says Deepak Nakil President and Executive Director, Unisoft Infotech.
Having served over two hundred clients globally, Unisoft takes pride in its SAP ERP and Beyond-ERP solutions that ensure business continuity and growth and high quality in its services.
After developing a deep understanding of every stage in ERP implementation ranging from evaluation and implementation to post-implementation, Unisoft Infotech has devised a methodology, "ProMan", that ensures management of complete implementation cycle from project kick-off to administrative closure. Furthermore, Unisoft adopts "Unicare Plus" a framework which provides continuous enhancement and sustenance solutions ERP implementations.
Unisoft Infotech believes in innovation and provides state-of-the-art enterprise solutions that fully support all business functions such as finance, production, distribution, sales and marketing, procurement and human resources
A few of other products and services offered by Unisoft have the unique features to support businesses of all types with short deployment time. An example includes "CPG100 Plus", an SAP all-in-one solution which comes in three different versions of Standard, Gold and Platinum. Apart from all-in-one SAP business solutions, the company offers "eZanalytix" that provided analytical reports and dashboard functions to management at all levels. The offering is a BI-in-a-Box solution and provides industry-standard KPIs for consumer products, manufacturing and engineering industries. A recent innovation from Unisoft is "Mobile Enterprise" that enables critical workflows available on hand-held devices thereby ensuring the users to conduct business any time anywhere.
The company geographically has expanded to South East Asia, the Middle East and the United States. Going forward, Unisoft Infotech, plans to provide the power and agility that mid-sized companies need to thrive, aspire and grow with its advanced business applications. "We plan to be more innovative and scale our business profitably in a non-linear manner", concludes Deepak.