Fifth Generation Technologies - Smart Innovation via Real Time Intelligence

CIO Vendor We have learnt in the recent years that the emerging ecosystem of micro services, cloud scalability, equipment monitoring, and predictive analytics is not a fad, but the future. Likewise, machine learning and IoT in manufacturing presents a comprehensive framework for the next phase of enterprise IT software, with consistent improvement as its founding principle. Established in the year 2000, the Chennai headquartered Fifth Generation Technologies India (P) Ltd. (5G) is a global innovative technology company in the digital manufacturing space, developing smart enterprise solutions based on its rapid product engineering and development framework. The company enables real time intelligence to help customers achieve a competitive advantage via co-creation, anomaly detection and collaborative problem solving while integrating supply chains and silos within organizations. Fifth Generation's core competence in manufacturing has secured for itself a global customer footprint of Fortune 500 customers. "Our digital business process re-engineering service is integrated to our solution offering and is now termed as "˜servitization' (a product + service based business model) that continuously introduces smart business processes to manufacturing enterprises using our products", explains Ananth Seshan, Chairman, Fifth Generation Technologies India Ltd.

Embedding Real Time Intelligence
5G's flagship product, Enterprise Gateway, connects to plant operational systems, discovers valued-insights from raw manufacturing data and eventually uses the intelligence to drive appropriate actions in third party enterprise software. Enterprise Gateway eliminates non-value added labor, reduces downtimes (via predictive maintenance), maintenance costs and provides real time unified visualization across the enterprise. This triggers improvement in efficiency, effectiveness and collaborative problem solving.

Another product in its portfolio, ec4, uses a combination of a proprietary energy harvesting mechanism (to generate its own power and leave behind a zero energy footprint) and wireless technology to perform real time energy conservation of industrial equipment and facilities.
It does so by comparing the recorded values against a "baseline" (which ec4 automatically computes) for the consumption and demand of connected machines.The baseline is computed by the software based on seasonal, process and environmental variations. Also, the software exhibits capabilities to identify data, process and environmental related anomalies automatically and has a provision to implement energy saving strategies.

Fifth Generation enables real time intelligence to help customers achieve a competitive advantage via co-creation, anomaly detection and collaborative problem solving while integrating supply chains and silos within organizations

Empowered Worker, their final addition to the portfolio, is a suite of Industrial IoT (IIoT) solutions that presents the potential of wearables, tablets and hand-held devices to the factory workers. The solution empowers manufacturing workers to perform the operations (manufacturing or assembly tasks) using the assistance of smart glasses, smart tablets or smart wireless interfaces to 5G's proprietary IIoT intelligent nodes.

5G promotes an open culture for continuous in-house research and innovation and also works with the academia in the UK and India on emerging technologies. By extending its research partnership with Anna University, Chennai, under a MOA, 5G looks forward to develop a new methodology to determine the "Remnant Life of Industrial Equipment in High Temperature Environments". Also, the company is working towards collaboratively building a "Smart Manufacturing Experimental Factory" within the academia. With a field experience of over 500,000 hours across a user base of approximately 20 countries, 5G continues to innovate in automated intelligence discovery for effecting smarter business processes and empowering human workers in large manufacturers, utilities and facilities worldwide.