Cooey Technologies: Revolutionizing Healthcare with the Power of IoT

Manu Madhusudhanan, Co-Founder, Cooey Technologies

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Over the years, hospitals and healthcare industries have been collating medical data and information to ensure early health measures for diseases. However, manual entry of medical data has resulted in staggeringly high medical mistakes affecting patients’ life. In addition, major disconnect between the doctors and patients residing in remote areas has increased healthcare complaints and oversights, thus ruining the overall healthcare experience.  Sensing this challenge hovering around healthcare sector, Hospitals and other healthcare industries have opted IoT-driven systems to radically reduce costs and improve healthcare by increasing the availability and quality of care. IoT being a major disruption has the potential to change the way healthcare is being delivered today. In parallel of this disruption, Cooey Technologies, headquartered in Bangalore provides end to end health monitoring IoT platform that intends to collect, manage, analyze health vitals &enable recurring services (medicines, insurance, lab test)requirements for antenatal & chronic patients. The venture caters to the need of primary, secondary and tertiary health care with its healthcare services. The company is well-focused on empowering both healthcare professional and patient with insights which can enable them to take control of health. “Adopting IoT in health care is not a choice but a need. IoT is going to impact health care in different areas like out patient Management, Post Operation care, Clinical Care or Remote care”, says Manu Madhusudanan, Co-Founder and CEO. Besides these, Cooey is also closely associated with hospitals and other healthcare services enabling the shift of focus of health management to patient.

There are still people residing in remote areas who do not have access to quality healthcare services. And, this is when IoT and analytics come handy.  Cooey conjures the potential of IoT and analytics to manage health vitals and provide services and devices concerning to healthcare. Smart devices like Bluetooth enabled BP monitor and Weighing Scale have been used to auto log medical data and share it remotely with the doctor or loved ones. “Automatic logging of data reduces human error. Now doctors can get insights of patients even from remote location. This will reduce cost, increase efficiency of health management for both health organizations and the patient”, proclaims Manu. Further, the medical data is analyzed, and based on the requirement relevant heath tips are provided. Additionally, with the help of patients’ data and lab reports, a dynamic profile of the patient is created according to his current health condition. Cooey also offers a mobile-based(M-Assist ) personal and family health management application which tracks, monitors health vitals, and provides reminders to the patient for medicines. Manu believes that IoT will soon become a healthcare game changer and will bring noteworthy changes in many areas of healthcare. IoT emerging as the most powerful disruption has enabled hospitals and healthcare service providers to improve healthcare outcomes and reduce healthcare costs by collecting, recording, analyzing and sharing myriads of data streams in real time and impeccably. Anticipating faster adoption of IoT by Hospitals and other healthcare agencies to make better decisions, Cooey is focused on embracing IoT as major healthcare technology for improving healthcare.