Commercials spaces comprising of retails outlets, bank branches, food outlets,shopping complexes, offices, hospitals, warehouses,hotels and other commercial buildings have high energy requirements. HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, AirConditioning, and Lighting) applications contribute to more than 70% of energy consumption in commercial spaces. HVAC clearly is the biggest impact area in our goal to be energy efficient.
AgileConnects, with offices at Mumbai, Pune,New Delhi, Nagpur and Bangalore, has embarked on a mission to get organisations to global benchmarks on energy consumption for green establishments. Headed by a team of seasoned professionals and serial entrepreneurs, this start-up has developed a robust platform - AgileWorks, which offer customers the opportunity to optimize energy consumption, thereby resulting in cost savings in commercial spaces. AgileWorks is a full play IoT platform that comprises of sensors, actuators, gateway and cloud application.
Arvind Khungar,Chief Strategy Officer, Agile Connects takes us through the features of the solution- one of the first components of Agile Works is AgileSense which is essentially a cluster of sensors and actuators that monitors everything from temperature and humidity to light levels, air quality and people movement. AgileSense is micro-controller-based software controlled electronics with embedded advanced algorithms that controls and communicates with connected equipments through wired or wireless media. AgileSense also communicates either on wire or wirelessly with in-premise gateway, AgileWise. AgileWise is capacitated for local decision making based on weather conditions, date and time, user preferences and operating parameters of the connected equipment to arrive at efficient operating other key component of the solution is Agile
Centrum, a cloud-based application that allows central monitoring and configuration of software/firmware while delivering accurate analytical reports. AgileCentrum also archives data for future analysis. The gateway AgileWise, communicates with AgileCentrum in the cloud over multiple WAN technologies.
AgileWorks is a full play IoT platform that comprises of sensors, actuators, gateway
and cloud application

Built to deliver ROI in less than 12 months, AgileWorks also boasts of advanced features that enable detection of equipment capacities and readjustment ofset point to prevent equipment overdrives. The non-disruptive architecture of the solution is an added benefit, which means no alteration to electrical cabling or electrical side of the equipment is required. Further,all the necessary parameters are monitored without any intrusion. AgileWorks is a completely software-driven solution that can go live within six hours of deployment. All updates and patches are distributed from the central cloud server to each sensor and actuators. The ease of implementation in retrofit implementations only adds to the client's advantage.
Ideal for commercial spaces anywhere between 2000sft to 20,000sft, AgileWorks has been rolled out in three large banks and its branches. Strengthened with a team of versatile consultants, Agile Connects brings in the ability to respond to any energy leakages in the system and suggest appropriate measures. Signing off, Arvind Khungar shared that Agile-Connects has a comprehensive 3-year product development roadmap which will expand AgileWorks functionality to monitor elevators, escalators, communication racks,air side economizers and demand controlled ventilation, peak load management and more.