Nuratech Labs: Harnessing the Power of IoT to Bring Operational Excellence

CIO Vendor IoT has taken the centre stage on a global scale nowadays as the most sought-after methodology to solve a colossal number of operational challenges existing in business verticals. Operational challenges arise from complex, fragmented and experimental systems that had been deployed to solve issues over the years of business evolution. In such a scenario, IoT steps to the fore by bringing true technology amalgamation for coexisting systems. This is where Chennai headquartered Nuratech Labs makes a mark with its IoT solutions. "Our IoT solutions amalgamate with coexisting systems and render interoperability, modularity, distributed computing, real-time capability and service orientation across various entities like Man, Machines and Methods or Processes," unveils Mr. Arun Arumugam,CEO of Nuratech Labs Pte Ltd. The company provides a repertoire of products that incorporate Enhanced Customer Experience Platform, Building Management System, Operation Management System and Integrated Transport Management System to name a few.

Nuratech's central objective is to transform data into meaningful information. It endeavours to integrate all relevant data for monitoring and optimizing components & units, bridge the gap between existing systems, complement existing monitoring systems, use Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning methodologies to optimize analysis and arrive at corrective actions. It utilizes inbuilt algorithms adaptable for industrial configurations. The company offers comprehensive solutions in the IoT value chain including edge gateways, power measurement hardwares, input/output hardwares,controlling & wireless communication hardwares. According to Mr Arun Arumugam, "Nuratech's IoIT (Internet of Intelligent Things) platform has a middleware gateway that can adapt to multiprotocol hardware infrastructure and a platform independent cloud application builder with an integrated analytical and machine learning engine".

Interestingly, as customer experience becomes a prerequisite to succeed in the retail enclave, Nuratech renders an Enhanced
Customer Experience Platform to reinforce retailers. "Our enhanced customer experience platform bolsters retailers to know their customers better; their likes /dislikes, buying patterns and choice of products. It helps them ameliorate not only customer experience, but also revenue and customer satisfaction. Moreover, we help them solve issues related to over-stocking and understocking,"adds Mr. Arun.

Our IoT solutions amalgamate with coexisting systems and render interoperability, modularity, distributed computing, real-time capability and service orientation across various entities like Man, Machines and Methods or Processes

Nuratech believes that cost as well as time to market are significant factors for the success of any business and only efficient operations can help businesses accomplish that. Therefore, it offers an Operation Management System which helps identify key entities in the value chain of any operation. "Our IoT stacks collect data to build performance index and datacube to measure productivity and derive both predictive information and cost reduction recommendations," says Mr. Arun. Besides, Nuratech delivers an Integrated Transport Management System as a comprehensive supply chain digitization platform. The major advantages of the platform are material movement transparency (Inbound, Internal & Outbound), efficient vehicle traffic management and routing of vehicles, reduced manual intervention in material handling and increased safety etc.

Moving forward, while removing abstraction from Man,Machine and Methods and converting data into meaningful information, Nuratech supports diversified verticals such as Telecom, Retail, Power, Mining, Oil& Gas and Smart Cities.