EEGRAB: Leveraging IoT to Enable "˜Machine First' in Enterprise and Business

EEGRAB: Leveraging IoT to Enable "˜Machine First' in Enterprise and Business

CIO Vendor The Internet of Things (IoT), which was once considered as a niche technology for startups, is now a technology on which billion-dollar enterprises are building their futures. In today’s hyper-connected world, where the space between the physical and digital spheres is rapidly diminishing, EEGRAB, headquartered in Kolkata, provides products and custom solutions to anyone or any company looking for core-out digital transformation. EEGRAB excels as a technology company for IoT based open platforms, mobile applications and open applications for business. The company intends to drive behavioral transformation in businesses through technology applications, and easy to implement solutions with minimum disruption.

“We want to emphasize on IoT hardware and software, which is converging together to create solutions that are strategic in nature. IoT and AI are more of a strategic profit driver for companies. Companies must see IoT as a strategic need driven by AI and Data Analytics that can automate core functions intelligently, such as security, operations, administration and customer relations, enabling ‘Machine First’ policy in the enterprise. This will minimize cost, reduce risks and increase profitability”, explains Sanchaita Chakraborty, Founder, EEGRAB.

Customer Based Products and Services
EEGRAB has multiple areas of expertise that offers end to end services from conceptualization to the implementation of IoT solutions in the areas which are critically important for business continuity and management. The company has developed products for smart and dynamic physical storage management for enterprise and consumers, FADO. FADO enables dynamic allocation and management of personal storage spaces in large and small organizations alike. FADO can dynamically allocate storage space to any authorized individual and operate the same using multiple access mechanisms, from simple app-based authentication to biometric access.

The company has also developed a solution for ‘Enterprise Asset Tracking’ that can automate monitoring and management of key resources and assets that were impossible to manage earlier. EEGRAB also helps customers to design new solutions based on the EEGRAB IoT framework that is customizable and can support sensor data from multiple sources and integrate data through AI plug-ins for advanced analytics and decision support.
EEGRAB has the expertise to deal with large data volumes from multiple sources, where quality of data is more important than the quantity. “We collaborate with key AI partner solutions to analyze large volumes of data to provide prescriptive analytics for decision making support”, adds Indranil Samaddar, Co-founder & Use Case Specialist at EEGRAB.

Fado enables dynamic allocation and management of personal storage spaces in large and small organizations alike

EEGRAB’s eFTMS is an RFID enabled File Tracking and Management that integrates IoT & AI technology for intelligent office & files tracking and storage management. The eFTMS has 4 solution components- active RFID for active files, handheld & desktop RFID readers, RFID sensors & antennas for shelves and cloud application & file tracking app. Intelligent RFID based File Tracking can enable a smart enterprise and secure the movement of files through secure storage and authorized handling. EEGRAB has proven capability to design and deliver customer centric products and solutions and execute complex projects on multiple platforms. For example, EEGRAB is implementing a project for a Software Service Company to rollout ‘hot-desking’ solution, for dynamic allocation of workspace and occupancy monitoring in their multiple development centers. The solution is mission critical and enables the customer to optimize use of scarce real estate in offices more efficiently, reducing cost overheads and monitoring employee productivity. The solution includes EEGRAB’s Smart Storage management enabling employees to use lockers on demand to store personal and official documents. The solution with IoT enabled hot desks ensures that hot desks and the personal storage of employees are dynamically allocated. The identity-based secure allocation mechanism allows the users and administrator to view availability of hot Desks, manage personal storage required by employees on demand.

“The solution is designed to scale to multiple campuses globally and can be managed through a single management window on the private cloud”, concludes the CTO, Amit Singh. The company aims to expand their footstep in the enterprise space, delivering useful solutions that enable ‘Machine first’ principle of the modern businesses. The company aims to leverage the emerging AI and data driven economic models to sustain and grow in future.