Today, the digital revolution which has been completely altering the way we work and live is Industrial IoT. Exploiting the opportunities of this technology, many a companies and agencies across industry verticals are deriving immense value from their products/ machines/ software and data, enabling a transparent culture without any departmental silos. While there are numerous vendors in the market who are delivering technology solutions, clients today demand a single reliable vendor who can provide an end-to-end solution to every business needs and necessities with 24/7 connectivity/ availability, data backup and cost-effectiveness.
One such vendor or a technology partner who has been justifying itself as a one stop solution company is Pune based SANMIN Technology. The company has been bringing efficiency and productivity in its clients business by enabling complete tracking and monitoring of client's machine activities remotely through mobile phone, tab or PC. The company has been providing affordable custom built Web Development and Software Development services to its clients across the world by leveraging IIoT Technology.
Empowering Clients with IIoT Capabilities
SANMIN Technology with its Industry 4.0 based product called WebEyeIoT has been significantly aiding clients to remotely monitor systems, increase production rates & OEE, reduce down time losses & cost per piece and real time tracking of assets. This product has a user friendly interface which has been specially designed to get results in fewer clicks. Moreover, real time notifications are provided through optional alerts on specified mail ids and SMS to the concern authorities for any abnormal machine downtimes and cycle times Enabling a predictive maintenance of any odd scenario to ensure machines are up and running all the time. Thus enhancing clients' decision making capabilities by effectively deriving value from the data that is being generated from various machines and systems.
WebEye IoT can be seamlessly integrated with any machines that clients are using including CNC, VMC, Power Presses, SPMs, Paint shops, elevators, and water treatment plants to name a few. Delivering complete transparency and operational excellence, SANMIN has also developed RFID based tool which combined with IoT capabilities deliver best-in-standard tracking and monitoring solution especially customized according to client requirements. Furthermore, as some of the clients demand data to be kept on their own server, SANMIN Technology can also integrate software into their existing system and server.
We feel we are one of the most reliable vendors in the market to get partnered with "“ a completely transparent company with a mission to connect client's every machine and improve business productivity and efficiency
"We feel we are one of the most reliable vendors in the market to get partnered with a completely transparent company with a mission to connect client's every machine and improve business productivity and efficiency. Seamless deliver ability of solutions as per the requirements of clients across industry verticals is what we focus on. We always put quality and customer satisfaction above all." highlights Padmanabh Jogalekar, CEO at SANMIN Technology.
Not just limiting themselves to the aforementioned products and solutions, the company also offers range of other robust software, hardware and cloud services. If we look at their expansion plans, SANMIN Technology is intending to increase its reach by opening some satellite offices across Bangalore, Chennai, and North Indian states especially greater Noida region and Gujarat.