With a potential to bring about higher efficiency, error reduction, cost optimization, and preventive maintenance, IIoT has become a useful technology enabling machines to communicate among them and act accordingly. How-ever, integration of IIoT across businesses/industries is fraught with challenges with respect to data security, poor skill set, data inaccuracies, and deployment of systems among others. Moreover, the lack of specialized department for monitoring, lower rate of technological adoption, critical data handling & analysis, and incomplete visibility over key assets of an industry have been major impediments for businesses across industries.
To address these problems, SenseLive Technologies has designed IoT devices including data logger & gateways and IoT plat-form where all the insights of industry can be monitored in the useful form. It allows monitoring of key assets of an industry with less human presence. SenseLive is providing IoT solutions for energy management systems and machine runtime monitoring systems. The IoT architecture has been designed in such a way that this important and critical information is available to the responsible authority at real time so that there is no extra loss. This platform can be customized according to the role and responsibility of the monitoring person like supervisor, plant manager, finance department, maintenance department, energy auditor and more.
On the energy side, it helps in tracking and monitoring the total energy usage, power quality, harmonics, power factor, demand load and other critical electric energy parameters. And when it comes to functioning of the machines, it effectively monitors machine usage, overall equipment efficiency, runtime and on/off schedule.
"Our algorithm refines the unstructured data into useful ones and provides this to the
industry at real-time remotely. The fluctuations in the recorded data allow the identification of the problem for the malfunctioning from remote places and can give remedies to the respective person on the basis of monitored data. The system will monitor uncertainties of the machine and inform about the predictive maintenance to reduce the downtime of the machine," highlights Abhijeet Bhoyar, Founder & CEO at SenseLive.
The Move towards Future
The company offers a future-driven Energy Management Solution (EMS) including IoT devices which are flexible and compatible with any network situation. They have designed the devices by considering the industrial environment where network issues may occur. Their system uses different networking technologies like LoRa (RF technology), GPRS and WiFi to ensure that there is no loss of data packets due to external issues. The EMS monitors up to 300 critical industrial energy parameters and provides quantitative as well as qualitative reports with real-time suggestions to reduce power consumption and energy cost of the industry.
Our algorithm refines the unstructured data into useful ones and provides this to the industry at real-time remotely
This is backed by its technically-adept team that is dedicated towards the goals of the startups and willing to contribute to the ecosystem by their knowledge and skills. Their multidisciplinary team has AbhijeetBhoyar (Founder & CEO), Mayur Dafare (Founder & CTO), Harshad Vaidya (COO) and Sandesh Waghmare (CMO). Also, they have expert mentors as well for the technological development and energy auditors who have combined 25+ years of industrial experience in the plant & energy audit.
"Currently, we are focusing on making a robust system which can do the energy audit for the industries that are unable to perform energy audits on a regular basis. The system will act like their energy auditing partner. To achieve this, we are continuously uplifting our team strength whether in the technological side or in the business development side," concludes Abhijeet.